Dd osama

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Y/n pov-

I'm in Dd's room on his bed while he's playing the game wit Notti and Ddot, normally I wouldn't mind if he was on the game but he's been on the game since I got here which was the morning and now it's almost 6 PM so I was extremely bored

I decided to get up and leave the room to go see if Melz was here and she wasss

"Hey melzzz" I say giving her a hug

"Hey Girll where are the boys" she asks hugging me back

"Upstairs they're playing the game so I left dds room he's been on the game since I got here" I say a little upset

"Oh my god this kid and his game" she says rolling her eyes

"Where's amiri?" I ask wanting to see him

"He's here he's just in nanas room" she says smiling

Right as she said that both amiri and melz nom walked out of the room

Amiri sees me and runs over to me so I pick him up and hug him

"Hi my loveee I missed youu" I say holding him

"I missed you too Tia where's tio" he asks wondering where dd is

"Oh he's upstairs in his room you wanna go see him?" I ask him and he says yes so we both go upstairs and I open DDs door.

"Get off the game your nephews here's" I say a little bluntly still pissed off that he didn't pay any attention to me today

"Oh shit hey mh" he says hugging amiri

I just sit on dds bed again and dd and Amiri were just together for a little then amiri went back down stairs with him mom

Dd finally got off of the game but I was still mad at him so I didn't talk and just laid there on my phone

"Ma get off your phone" he says he says slightly pushing the phone down

"No" I say still looking at my phone

"What's wrong with you why are you so pissed off" he says mugging me

I just look at him "are you stupid" mugging him back and looked back down at my phone

"Nah bro seriously stop with the attitude and tell me what's wrong" he says snatching my phone and putting it in his pocket 

"You bro I got here at like 9 in The fucking morning and you were already on the game and you were on it all day didn't pay attention to me once in all of those fucking hours, you just got off the game and it's already 6PM" I say pissed the fuck off standing up now ready to just go back home

"I'm sorry mama I just got caught up in the game I didn't mean to ignore you" he says giving me a look of guilt

I started feeling bad for being all pissed off (I'm weak chat😖). I just look at him and see he really did look sorry

"It's fine dd but I still wanna go home" I say genuinely wanting to go home because I missed my bed

"Then I'll go with you" he says smiling like an idiot

"Get your stuff" I say lightly laughing

Dd gets his stuff and we get to my house and do whatever for the rest of the night


I got lazy towards the end😭

Requests 😔

Drill rapper imagines (dd, notti, and ddot)Where stories live. Discover now