First Call

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It was a bright, sunny Friday afternoon, around 1:00 P.M. Our favorite blue-eyed, basketball-playing robot was at his favorite basketball court, sitting on one of the benches, deep in thought. He was troubled with something.. Something extremely serious. He had finally located where his younger sister, Astra, was being held captive.. But there was one problem.. It was an extremely high-tech lab owned by the very organization that had hacked him in the past: IRIS.

Being hacked is an extremely traumatic experience for robots, and Hex had gone through it twice now.. Luckily he had a close friend of his with him both times, and he was able to be saved.. God knows what would've happened if he wasn't. That made him wonder what they had done to Astra.. Had they hacked her too..? The poor girl was only 9 years old.. It made him sick to think about.. But that wasn't the point. He had to come up with a way to bust her out.. The lab had top-tier security, high-tech weapons, and trained guards of the highest caliber. How the hell was he gonna rescue his dear sister from a shithole like that..? There was no way to do it...

Without help.

An idea popped into Hex's very artificial brain, his bright blue eyes lighting up with realization. Help..! All he needed was help..! And he knew EXACTLY who to go to. He actually had quite a few people he could call up that he knew would willingly do this for him.. But there was one person and one person only that he knew he would go to first: Whitty.

Whitty would wanna know this as quick as possible anyways right? His own sister, Gracelyn, is there too. Plus, he may also want revenge from all the hell they put him through while he was there himself. Hex felt a smile gradually creeping onto his monitor and he took his phone out of the pocket of his orange and white basketball shorts. He turned his phone on, the lock screen being a picture of his beloved girlfriend, Summer.. She may or may not be one he's going to ask to tag along as well. He typed in his passcode and dialed Whitty's number, eagerly mumbling to himself as he waited not-so-patiently for him to answer the call.

After about 3 rings or so, a deep, gruff voice that strangely sounded somewhat like an electric guitar spike up through the phone.. Whitty.

"Hey, dude.. Need somethin'?" The bomb asked, his voice laced with curiosity and a tidbit of confusion.

Hex nodded vehemently, though he knew Whitty couldn't even see his physical gestures right now. "Yeah.. I have a bit of a large favor to ask you.." At the end of that sentence, he trailed off, a little nervous to ask if Whitty would do this with him. This is a really risky plan he's got so far, and God only knows at what point it could go wrong.. Whitty might decline the idea altogether..

"Huh, usually I'm the one askin' you for favors.. That's new.." Whitty softly chuckles at the end up his sentence. "Guess you deserve one anyway. Whatcha got?"

"Well.." Hex paused, looking off to the side for a quick second, before looking back ahead of him, readying himself to break the news to his best friend.

"I found where Astra and Gracelyn are being held captive. And I know how to get there."

The bomb's two hearts nearly stopped in surprise. He could barely believe what he was hearing. He thought, for just a moment, that maybe he was dreaming, or that he didn't hear Hex correctly. He blinked a few times, as the shock and surprise gradually began evolving into hopefulness and a twinge of excitement.

"Holy shit, Hex.. Are you serious?!" He asked, his raspy guitar-sounding voice becoming slightly louder and growing ever so slightly in pitch. That's how you could tell Whitty was eager about something.. His tone of voice would change in almost an instant. It's like it came natural to him.

"As serious as can be!" The robot replied enthusiastically. You could almost always nearly hear the smile in his voice, and this moment was no exception. He was so optimistic all the time, and that's something everyone that knew him either adored or hated about him. It really depended on the kind of person they were. Whitty was somewhere in the middle.

"Even after they relocated it last year?!" Whitty replied with another question, just to confirm his hopes. All he ever did was hate himself for leaving Gracelyn behind and hide out in alleyways.. Now that could change, as long as his dear sister could be found.

Hex nodded again, beaming at Whitty's excitement. He'd never been this eager before, at least not that Hex knew of. Around Carol, maybe, but not him. "Affirmative!" His voice was like that of an innocent and excited puppy's bark; Always upbeat and full of spunk. Hex was just an extremely likeable person overall. He had no enemies.. Well, ALMOST no enemies..

"We might actually be able to get those two back.. I'm on my way to the court right now. I'm bringing Carol." Whitty then ended the call without even letting Hex get another word in. Hex smiled as he put his phone down.. Though that smile slightly faded as he began to think deeply again. He knew he was gonna need more than just Whitty and Carol to help him.. But who else could he get to come with him?

He was pretty sure he had a shit ton of friends, so it shouldn't have been too much of an issue.. But then again, he didnt wanna risk anyone else's lives.. However, there was no way to get Astra back without lives being risked, whether it be his own or someone else's.. So really, it was just inevitable. It was going to happen either way, right?

Hex let out a soft sigh, as he then knew a few people he wanted to tag along on the journey. Who better to risk your life and probably die with than your closest friends, right? He decided to just wait and discuss it over with Whitty when he arrived to the court. For the time being, all he could do was wait patiently for his best friend to show up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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