Season 1, Saga 1: New World, Chapter 8: Satellite Swindle

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(We go to the Eggman Fortress where Dr. Eggman places a deck of cards in the Selection Machine and pulls down the handle. Three cards showing an air robot appear on the screen.)

"Perfect!" Dr. Eggman said

"What kind of robot is this one?" Rainbow King asked

"You'll know in a moment, for now, I have just the plan for this one." Dr. Eggman said

(The giant air robot is transported on a platform, then an opening appears on the ground. The giant air robot then takes off from the fortress towards space. At Area 99, the patrols have detected it on the computers.)

"What was that? Some kind of rocket maybe?" the Area 99 patrols asked

"What's the word?" the Area 99 military leader asked

"An unknown object was spotted about 5 minutes ago. I'm afraid that's all we know, sir." an Area 99 patrol said

"That Dr. Eggman is up to something. I only wish I knew what it was. Has it been identified?" the Area 99 military leader asked

"I'm afraid not, sir." an Area 99 patrol said

(Back at the Eggman Fortress, Eggman saw the robot has gotten up high enough to space.)

"Well, now, time to have a little fun!" (Pulls on a handle.) "Super Sweeper!" Dr. Eggman said (Super Sweeper pulls out its vacuum and activates it.)

"Super Sweeper!?" Rainbow King asked in panic

(an Alarm at Area 99 sounds causing the patrols to panic)

"What's going on?" the Area 99 military leader asked

"Communications' cut off! Sir, the satellite! Its-" an Area 99 patrol didn't finish

"Gone?!" the Area 99 military leader asked in panic

"Yes, sir." an Area 99 patrol said

"This can't be happening! It's impossible!" the Area 99 military leader said

(Super Sweeper sucks up numerous satellites as Eggman watches from his fortress.)

"Just look at all my shiny, new toys! Ah well, too bad I have to grind them all into robot parts! Who knew recycling can be so much fun?" (Laughs) "And cost-effective?" Dr. Eggman asked

"You know it's not nice to steal from others." Rainbow King said

"Don't bust in on my moment!" Dr. Eggman shouted

(in Area 99, the workers were panicking from losing the satellites while trying to get back the signal.)

"It's getting closer!" an Area 99 patrol said

"We've got to alert the President!" the Area 99 military leader said

(at the Thorndyke mansion, True, Zee, Tails and Chris were watching a show called the Next Show as Cream and Cheese were dancing along with the one known as Next.)

"Y'know what I like to do best, boys and girls? I like to dance!" (begins to dance.) "Dancing's lots of fun, and it's good exercise, too! Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't you dance with me? That's it! Looking good!" Next said

(walks into the room with Amy and places three pies on the table.) "Hi! Snack time, everyone! Here we go!" Ella said

"Ella showed me how to make homemade apple pie." Amy said

(leans over to smell one of the pies and becomes delighted by it.) "They smell really good." True said

"I think our little Amy has quite a knack for baking! I just might be out of the job soon!" Ella said

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