chapter 17: 'NO'

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The day of the photoshoot arrived, and although Andrei wasn't required to be there, he couldn't resist the urge to go. He felt a strong desire to see Fides again, hoping to find a moment to talk to her and perhaps rekindle some of their shared memories. Arriving at the shooting site well before the scheduled time, Andrei settled himself in a quiet corner, observing the preparations.

The studio buzzed with activity as the crew set up lights, cameras, and backdrops. Assistants moved about, ensuring everything was in place for the day's shoot. Andrei watched the organized chaos, his eyes occasionally drifting to the entrance, anticipating Fides's arrival.

Time seemed to stretch as he waited, his thoughts a jumble of memories and present emotions. Finally, the door opened, and Fides walked in, exuding the same grace and confidence he had seen at the conference. She was surrounded by her team, who immediately began briefing her on the day's plan.

Andrei's heart raced. He wanted to approach her, but he hesitated, unsure of how she would react. He didn't want to disrupt her professional environment or make her uncomfortable. Instead, he decided to wait for a more opportune moment.

As the photoshoot began, Andrei watched in awe as Fides effortlessly transitioned into her role. Her poise and elegance were captivating, and it was clear why she had become such a successful model. He admired her professionalism and dedication, traits he had always known she possessed.

During a break, Andrei saw his chance. Fides was momentarily alone, checking her phone. Summoning his courage, he approached her.

"Fides," he said softly, hoping not to startle her.

She looked up, her expression neutral. "Yes, Atty Roxas?"

"It's Andrei," he said, his voice tinged with both hope and nervousness. " I just wanted to say hello."

Fides's eyes narrowed slightly as if she were trying to place him. "And it's Faith... Faith is my name in the modelling world, Fides no longer exist... so better call me Fides, more comfortable if you call me Ms. Mondraon... All is well Atty. Roxas..or is there something with the contract I signed?."

He nodded, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. "There's nothing... I wanted to invite you for a lunch or dinner or anytime after photoshoot is done."

Fides's expression remained unreadable. "Well, it's a busy day, I am sorry to refuse the invitation..."

Andrei's heart sank a little, but he nodded understandingly. "Of course. I don't want to interrupt your work. I just wanted to let you know that I'm here if you ever want to catch up."

She gave a polite nod and then turned back to her team as they called her for the next segment of the shoot. Andrei stepped back, feeling a wave of mixed emotions. He had hoped for a warmer reception, but he understood that Fides's life had changed, and so had she.

Returning to his quiet corner, Andrei watched the rest of the photoshoot with a sense of acceptance. He couldn't force a connection that might no longer exist for her. Though he respect her space, he will do moves to reconnect with Fides.

As the shoot wrapped up, Andrei talk with the photoshoot team, that made him unable to notice Fides had leave. She slipped away, obviuous that she is avoiding him.

As the shoot wrapped up, Andrei found himself engaged in a conversation with the photoshoot team. They discussed the logistics of the campaign, the anticipated impact, and shared some light-hearted moments. Amidst the chat, he momentarily lost sight of Fides, who quietly slipped away, making it clear that she was avoiding him.

Realizing too late that she had left, Andrei felt a pang of urgency. He couldn't let this opportunity pass him by. He had waited years for this moment, and he was determined to speak with her, to remind her of their shared past, and to understand why she seemed so distant.

Gathering his resolve, Andrei quickly thanked the team and hurried out of the studio. He scanned the street, hoping to catch a glimpse of Fides. The busy city buzzed around him, but he was focused solely on finding her. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts, he failed to see Fides.

Meanwhile, Fides was already in her car, driving fast away from the site. She gripped the steering wheel tightly, her mind racing just as quickly as her vehicle. The encounter with Andrei had stirred up emotions and memories she had long tried to bury. The familiarity of his voice, the earnestness in his eyes—it had all been too much.

As she navigated through the city streets, Fides replayed their brief conversation in her mind. She hadn't wanted to seem cold or indifferent, but the truth was, her life had changed so drastically that she felt it necessary to keep her past at arm's length. She had worked hard to build a successful career, and she feared that reopening old chapters might disrupt the balance she had fought to achieve.

Pulling into the parking lot of her apartment complex, Fides parked and took a moment to breathe. She leaned back in her seat, closing her eyes and letting the memories wash over her. Childhood games, shared dreams, the simple joy of friendship—these were the things she had shared with Andrei. But that was a different time, a different life and it all started after Andrei's firm words of saying "NO."

After a few moments of reflection, Fides gathered her things and headed inside. She needed to prepare for her next engagement, but the encounter with Andrei lingered in her mind. She wondered if she had made the right choice in keeping him at a distance. Was it truly necessary to leave everything behind to move forward?

As she changed into more comfortable clothes, her thoughts kept returning to Andrei's earnest expression and sincere words. She realized that she had been avoiding more than just Andrei; she had been avoiding a part of herself. Memories of their childhood were intertwined with who she was, and shutting them out hadn't necessarily been the healthiest choice.

Fides decided to take a moment to sit down with a cup of tea and gather her thoughts. She sat by the window, watching the city hustle below, and thought about how much had changed since those simpler days. Her career had skyrocketed, and she had become a household name in the modeling world. But at what cost? She had lost touch with many aspects of her past, including friends who had once been like family.

On the other hand, Andrei felt a deep pain in his heart. He couldn't shake the feeling that Fides's reactions were rooted in the pain he had caused years ago. Memories of their parting came rushing back, each one a reminder of how their paths had diverged so abruptly.

Andrei leaned against the side of the building, taking a moment to steady himself. He remembered the decisions he had made, the choices that led him away from Fides. At the time, he had thought he was doing the right thing—pursuing his career, following in his father's footsteps. But now, seeing the distance in Fides's eyes, he wondered if he had made a grave mistake.

He recalled the last time they had spoken, the hurt in Fides eyes as he said "NO."  Fides had been hurt by his decision to prioritize his ambitions over their connections that force Fides to fly to U.S... Andrei had always believed they would reconnect someday, but he hadn't anticipated how much time and pain would stand between them when that day finally came.

As he walked back to his hotel, Andrei reflected on how he had hurt Fides, not just by  his "NO" but by failing to keep in touch. He had been so focused on his own path that he hadn't considered the impact on those he left behind. The realization stung, but it also fueled his determination to make things right.

That evening, Andrei sat down with a firm decsion to chase and woo Fides.

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