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Yoojung was cleaning the new dorm, he had incorporated the help of a little cat who was coloring.

He gently picks him up and sets him on his feet.

"You're going to help hyung with cleaning!"

Junji picks up the broom and quietly started sweeping, using his foot to hold the dustpan in place.

Yoojung hummed softly while he mopped.

KB was trying to fix the creeky stairs.
He had Nine test out the stairs to see what needed to be fixed.

He looks closely as Nine ventured up and down the stairs.

He hammered down the step, gently using sand paper to buff away the rough edges to the stairs.

Mill was setting up the tv, for movie night, he incorporated Rie's help, as mill is smol, and couldn't move the tv himself.

Somewhere in the middle of cleaning, Junji wandered off to the bathroom, and closes the door.

Yoojung noticed Junji wasn't there and immediately asked where he went.

Nine points to the bathroom and hugs his dino plush.

KB smiles softly as the stairs are now fixed.

10 minutes later, Junji was at the sink, washing his hands, and then drying them, he gets picked up by KB and carried to the living room.

Later that Night, everyone was so tired from the cleaning and fixing some things, they all fell asleep during the movie, except Junji, he watched the movie, while his head rested against KB's chest.

little Junji Where stories live. Discover now