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Your POV:

I looked at the clock as the last class of the day came to an end: English class.

Ms. Blake stopped at my desk to congratulate me on my brother's safe return. She sounded thrilled and as if she didn't take him in the first place.

Lying bitch. I thought through gritted teeth, trying not to let my pregnancy hormones or anger get the best of me.

Love, I know what you're thinking, but don't do it. Let the old bills do their job, darling. Tom's voice was calming to me.

I know that Tom but she had no right to take Melius away from us. What else is she planning? I asked my mate.

"Mr. Riddle, what is so important that Ms.Potter is distracted by you?" Ms. Blake asked him.

Tom looked at me and then at her. He breathed in deeply as he grabbed my hand under our desks.

"Nothing important Miss Blake vitch~" Tom snarled at our English professor.

I held in a chuckle as Ms.Blake's face turned red with anger.

"Ms. Potter, Mr. Riddle, Mr. Stilinski, and Mr. McCall have detention with me after school." Ms.Blake stated sternly.

I heard a sharp squeaking sound. It was a reaven hitting the glass.

Stiles yelled in a panic, "We're not doing this again. It already happened at the beginning of the year. Talk about déjà vu!"

More raven's flow at the glass windows. I felt Tom pull me to his chest as the glass shattered. Our class screamed as a lot of ravens started to attack other students as Ms. Blake took cover under her desk.

I took out my phone and dialed 911 as my phone rang the operator said, "911 what is your emergency?"

"Where getting attacked by ravens at Beacon Hills High School!" I told the operator.

"Help is on the way." She told me.

The call went dead as Tom was covering me from the vicious attack of the ravens.

"Baby, stop your in pain I can feel it!" I told Tom as he refused to let me endure the pain he was feeling.

"My cuts will heal love," Tom reassured me.

That's right I turned him into a werewolf kind of like Isaac, but not quite. 

*Flashback to Tom's POV*

"Turn me," I said sternly as I looked into (Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes.

"What? n-no, no!" She growled at me.

"I wasn't asking." I rolled up my sleeve as my skin was exposed waiting for (Y/n) to bite me.

"Deucalion bit him didn't he?" Derek asked as (Y/n)'s heart picked up.

"Yes," Hermione answered for her.

I don't want Tom to suffer the same fate I did. My mate thought as I read her mind.

"I'm not going to suffer love now, please bite me," I told her as I reassured her that I wanted this. I wasn't lying because my heart was steady when I told (Y/n). I want this so I can help her find Harry.

"Tom that's what Deucalion wants me to do. He turned Harry like me and he said if I didn't kill he would have him kill an Alpha." She stated scared out of her mind.

"Hey, that's not going to happen. Now please do as I have asked you." I pleaded with her to turn me.

"But there's no going back..." She pleaded for me to reconsider my decision.

Professor Riddle (Tom Riddle x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now