Chapter 9: Beneath Sails of Secrets

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I pace the aisle of the private plane, my nails tapping against my phone screen anxiously. I haven't heard from Harry for a few days, no texts or calls, and here I am on a plane with no logical reason for him to be missing in action with an itinerary to Greece being written as I stand on this plane waiting for take off. If I had my way, I would be using this time and the taxpayers' money to be going somewhere beneficial to the monarch, I would be doing a small trip to bring light to the monarch since my father has created a turmoil of issues and slammed me with the press but I was outvoted at the meeting a few days ago in regards to official affairs and damage control.

Upon the opening of the plane door, I am filled with a surge of anger upon seeing Harry and his luggage directly behind him. "I apologize, please know that I am sorry," he hastily offers, but I simply shake my head and approach him. I press my palms against his chest and firmly guide him back until he is up against the door of the aircraft. "Oh, fuck," he sighs.

"That's all you have to say?" I question with a low voice, "You decide to go missing in action and all I get is 'Oh, fuck.'"

"Do you have an explanation?" I demand. "If not, I suggest you come up with a convincing one quickly or I will throw you out of this plane," I warn Harry.

Harry responds with a mischievous smile, "Oh really? I'd love to see you try. It has been a terrible day for me, so go ahead and give it your best fucking shot, my dear." He then grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls me close, kissing me passionately as if it was his last day alive and he wanted to make it count. "Go ahead, push me," he whispers against my lips, his hands draping to my hips and squeezing them tightly.

I shake my head in frustration at his behaviour. I push him away and say, "I won't give you the satisfaction." I turn around and start walking away from him.

But he grabs my wrist and pulls me back towards him in a spin. I collide with his body and let out a sigh. He says, "Go ahead, take your frustration out on me."

I respond, "Don't try to blame me for your actions." ... "You say you want to marry me and then go missing. Not very husband of you."

I know he wasn't always with my Father, he took a flight somewhere unknown before he was on my Father's services.

"Drop the glass veil you're holding over you. You know why I have been gone."

I shake my head, "I do not. Enlighten me, future husband."

"I've been stuck on your father's service, and he's giving me hell. My possibly future father-in-law isn't very fucking kind right now." Harry informs me, placing his suitcase in an overhead before allowing his suit jacket to fall down his arms. "He might just run this monarchy into the ground before you do."

I watch as his hand dances its way to the other wrist, slowly unbuttoning the wrist and rolling his sleeves effortlessly. I gawk, unable to tear my eyes away from him. He forcefully takes his tie off and throws it over the seat, his hands then moving to take the pistol out of his waistband, placing it down safely. "Are you even listening to me?" Harry questions, taking my stare and meeting my eyes.

I bite my lip and shake my head. "I-uh—," I trail off, "No."

Harry rolls his eyes and sighs, "We have a full team of security, I'm on your service, lucky me" he sarcastically mutters ... "It is a clear flight plan. Matthew will sweep the hotel first. It's a three-and-a-half-hour flight, we should be arriving at four in the morning since they're two hours ahead of us."

I nod my head, cocking my head to the side, "It's fucking hot in here," Harry mutters, looking around the private plane, and leaning up to attempt to adjust the overhead heating and air.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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