Chapter Ten: Scars

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Self harm included in this chapter.

As we descended the stairs behind Levi, the weight of embarrassment hung heavy on my shoulders, a stark contrast to the determined facade I tried to maintain.
My cheeks burned with shame, but I forced myself to keep my gaze fixed ahead, unwilling to let my discomfort show.

Upon reaching the cells where Eren was confined, I attempted to muster a smile as we greeted him. "Hello, Eren," I said softly, my voice betraying a hint of nervousness. Eren's expression shifted from surprise to recognition, "Miss Elara? Wait, you were that maid- "but before he could finish what he was saying, Levi's interruption cut him off.

"Maid?" Levi's incredulous tone sliced through the air, and his scrutinising gaze bore into me, as if he was trying to place me. Did he finally recognize me from our earlier encounter in the palace? His dismissive "Tch" and swift turn away signalled that he did, indeed, recall our previous meeting, and it stung more than I cared to admit.

Disregarding Levi's reaction, I focused my attention on Eren. "My name is Elara, yes, we've met before," I affirmed, ignoring the awkward tension between Levi and myself. "I'm here to check you over, Eren," I continued, pushing past my unease and trying to exude confidence. "I've brought along some medical supplies, so let's see what I can do to help."

I sat beside Eren and began checking his symptoms. "Thank you, Elara," Eren replied, his voice tinged with gratitude. He shifted slightly on the small cot, wincing as he tried to find a more comfortable position. "I've been feeling a bit off lately, but nothing too serious, I guess."

I nodded sympathetically, my eyes scanning his face for any signs of distress. "Can you tell me about your symptoms?" I asked gently, reaching for the medical supplies we brought along.

As I tended to Eren, we struck up a general conversation about the recent events and the state of affairs within the walls. However, his gaze kept drifting to my injuries, and eventually, he couldn't help but voice his curiosity.

"Were you in Trost?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice as he gestured towards my bruises and bandaged arm. I hesitated for a moment, my mind flashing back to the encounter with Pembroke, but I quickly pushed those thoughts aside with a forced smile.

"Yes, I was," I replied, trying to keep my tone light. "Just a little mishap during the chaos. Nothing to worry about now."

As I continued to tend to Eren's minor ailments, I engaged him in conversation, asking about his well-being and any symptoms he might be experiencing. Despite the tense atmosphere, Eren remained surprisingly upbeat, answering my questions with a mixture of optimism and determination.

Levi, ever the silent observer, stood nearby, his arms crossed, his expression unreadable. As I finished my examination and prepared to leave, Levi's voice broke the silence. "Eren's court case is tomorrow," he announced, his tone clipped and businesslike. "He'll be staying here for one more night."

Eren's face fell at the reminder of his impending trial, but he nodded in acceptance. "Yeah, I guess so," he muttered, his gaze fixed on the floor. "Thanks for checking up on me, Elara. I appreciate it."

I offered him a reassuring smile. "Anytime, Eren," I replied, hoping to alleviate some of his apprehension. Turning to Levi, I acknowledged his directive. "I'll gather my things and meet you outside," I said, already mentally preparing for the journey ahead.

As I gathered the medical supplies and prepared to depart, Eren's voice stopped me in my tracks. "Hey, Elara," he called out, prompting me to turn back to face him. "Take care of yourself out there, okay? And good luck with whatever you're doing next."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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