chapter 25 : back to work

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The next day, Fides was packing her things for her return to the States. Although her parents didn't want her to leave yet, they understood her situation—Fides had a job and a business that many depended on for their livelihood.

"Take care of yourself, triplet sis," said her siblings, Hera and Thyche.

Kratus, Virtus, and Erros, her older triplet brother hugged her simultaneously.

"You take care of yourself, sweetheart," said Raphael, her father, giving her a tight embrace.

"We'll visit you soon," added Alyza, her mother, trying to smile despite the sadness in her eyes.

"Mom, I haven't even left yet," Fides laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "I'll be back soon, promise."

She smiled as she let go of her parents and siblings, but deep inside, she felt the heaviness of their parting.

At the airport, Fides moved through the terminal, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. She checked in her luggage and walked towards the security checkpoint. As she stood in line, she took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart.

While waiting for her turn, she glanced at her phone and saw a message from Andrei: "Safe travels, Faith. I believe in you."

She felt a pang in her chest but chose to focus on the path ahead. After passing through security, she found a quiet corner near her gate and sat down. She closed her eyes for a moment, reflecting on everything that had happened.

"Miss Mondragon, are you alright?" asked a concerned voice. Fides opened her eyes to see a flight attendant looking at her with a kind expression.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you," Fides replied with a small smile.

"Alright, if you need anything, please let us know," the flight attendant said before walking away.

As she waited for her flight to be called, Fides received another message, this time from her mother: "We love you and are always here for you. Stay strong, my dear."

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away. She knew she had a new life waiting for her back in the States, full of responsibilities and opportunities. But a part of her still clung to the memories and the love she had left behind.

The announcement for her flight came over the loudspeakers, and Fides gathered her things, taking one last look around the terminal. She walked towards the gate, her steps heavy but determined.

As she boarded the plane and found her seat, she gazed out the window, watching the ground crew prepare for departure. The plane began to taxi, and soon they were airborne, leaving the familiar landscape behind.

Fides leaned back in her seat, closing her eyes once more. She knew that this journey was not just a physical one but an emotional and personal journey as well. She resolved to face whatever challenges lay ahead with the same strength and determination that had brought her this far.

Back on the ground, Andrei watched the plane take off from the airport's observation deck, his heart aching with a mix of hope and regret. He knew he had to be patient and prove his love through actions, not just words. As the plane disappeared into the sky, he whispered to himself, "I'll wait for you, Faith. No matter how long it takes."

And with that, both Fides and Andrei embarked on their separate paths, each holding onto the hope that their journeys might one day bring them back together.

As Andrei watched the plane disappear into the sky, his mind raced with plans and ideas on how to chase Fides—now Faith. He knew he had to show her that he had truly changed and that he was willing to make sacrifices for their love.

That evening, back at his apartment, Andrei sat at his desk with a notebook open in front of him. He began to jot down his thoughts and ideas, trying to formulate a plan.

With his plans laid out, Andrei felt a renewed sense of determination. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to fight for Faith. He picked up his phone and called Marco, his father, to share his plans.

"Hi, Dad," Andrei began. "I've been thinking a lot, and I've come up with some plans to show Faith that I've changed and that I'm serious about us."

Marco listened attentively as Andrei explained his ideas. "Son, I'm proud of you," Marco said. "It won't be easy, and it will take time, but if you truly love Faith, it's worth every effort. Just remember to be patient and respectful of her feelings."

"I will, Dad," Andrei replied. "Thank you for your support."

As he hung up the phone, Andrei felt a sense of hope. He knew he had a long road ahead, but he was determined to prove his love for Faith.

In her condominium in the States, Faith sat at her desk, surrounded by her planner, a laptop, and a pile of papers. She was determined to focus on her work and push aside the emotional turmoil from her encounter with Andrei.

She opened her planner and began reviewing her upcoming itineraries:

Fashion Show in New York: Faith had a major fashion show coming up in a week. She was one of the featured models, and her presence was crucial for the event's success. She made a note to confirm her travel arrangements and ensure that her outfits were ready.

Photoshoot for Vogue: A high-profile photoshoot for Vogue magazine was next on her schedule. It was a significant opportunity for her career, and she wanted to make sure everything went perfectly. She planned to spend extra time preparing for this shoot, practicing her poses, and working with her stylist.

Meeting with Investors: Faith also had an important meeting with potential investors for her fashion line. She needed to prepare a comprehensive presentation showcasing her latest designs and business strategies. This meeting could be a game-changer for her brand, so she wanted to be thoroughly prepared.

Charity Gala: Faith was invited to a charity gala where she would be the guest of honor. She needed to choose a gown, arrange for hair and makeup, and prepare a short speech. This event was not just about her career but also about giving back to the community, something she deeply cared about.

Photoshoot for Her Brand: Lastly, Faith had scheduled a photoshoot for her fashion brand. This was a personal project, and she wanted to oversee every detail to ensure it aligned with her vision. She jotted down a list of locations, themes, and photographers she wanted to work with.

As she meticulously planned her schedule, Faith's mind occasionally wandered back to Andrei's words. She shook her head, trying to focus. She knew she couldn't afford distractions right now; her career was at a critical juncture, and she needed to give it her all.

Faith's phone buzzed, pulling her out of her thoughts. It was a message from her assistant, reminding her of a fitting session in an hour. She quickly responded and got up to gather her things.

Before heading out, Faith glanced at herself in the mirror. She saw a strong, determined woman who had come a long way from the girl who once waited for Andrei. She was proud of her accomplishments and knew she had to stay focused on her goals.

With one last look around her tidy, stylish condominium, Faith grabbed her bag and headed out the door, ready to tackle the busy day ahead.

At the fitting session, Faith worked closely with her designer, making sure every detail of her outfit was perfect. She discussed fabrics, colors, and designs, her passion and expertise evident in every decision she made. Her team admired her dedication and the way she carried herself with confidence and grace.

After the fitting, Faith headed to the studio for a rehearsal for the upcoming fashion show. She practiced her walk on the runway, ensuring that her movements were fluid and natural. The other models watched her, inspired by her professionalism and elegance. She's now back to work...


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