Persist. And choose to love.

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The chances of you existing is one in 400 trillion. In the dull, monotonous life you may live, create new sparks. Dream big, and don't be afraid to pursue your passions despite the time you have. Translate the beauty of existence to those who don't understand, through the actions of your own. We are meant to love and be loved, yet some choose to bow to evil and laugh at the pain of those closest to us. Be a reminder there's still good in the world. Find peace in suffering and protect your heart, don't let the negative turn you negative. Love still remains on this world, because you're here too and you're full of it. Be hurt thousands upon thousands of times, yet love, lose, and still be kind. You'll eventually find comfort in every painful memory. And you'll learn to love it. The kindness you put out into the world always comes back to you. Even if it doesn't, smile at the universe, knowing each act of kindness brings you one step closer to peace.

Everything will work out for you.

You'll find the most special place of your own in your mind and soul.

I'm Katie and I hope whoever reads this has a nice day. 🤍

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