Chapter 2

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*Fear POV

We finally finish the day and get ready to go into rest mode. As Joy presses the final button on the control console, Riley closes her eyes and falls asleep.

"Amazing work, everyone! You all did wonderful! Today was a good one." Joy congratulates us

"Yeah.. except for when we saw Grace and Bree hanging out with that other girl during math.." Sadness says

"Janet!" Anger says under his breathe, trying to contain his frustration

"Do you think they're gonna replace us??" I ask

"No! You're overthinking things. And hey, a little bit of sadness never hurt anyone. It's good for Riley." Joy tells us, giving Sadness a pat on the back.

I'm glad Joy has finally warmed up to Sadness and given us all a bit of freedom to control the console. It makes me less fearful of being shunned out.

"Disgust, you wanna do the honours?" Joy offers

"Ew, no." She returns

Joy rolls her eyes and walks over to the recall tube. She presses a button on the floor with her foot. The memory balls rolls off the wall and spiral their way through the floors and into the recall tube, where they'll be sent to Long Term. Me and the others make our ways to our bedrooms. Suddenly, Joy stops me before I can go to my room to get some sleep.

"Woah, woah Fear! It's your turn to do dream duty tonight!"

Everyone else stops in their places and look over towards me. I already know what they're thinking. I'm gonna freak out over some stupid dream and wake them up during the night. Yes, it's happened before. In fact, almost every time I'm responsible for dream duty I freak out in some way. I try not to! But I can't help it, being afraid, it's what I do best.

"Are you kidding me?" Disgust tells Joy. "Fear?! He can't even get through a GOOD dream without getting scared."

I yell back, "The cupcake was eating it's brothers and sisters!"

Everyone stares back at me in dull confusion. I start to sweat, realizing how insane I sound.

"Oh, cmon Fear! I think if you set your mind to it, you can make it through the night without freaking out." Joy tells me

I hesitate. It's hopeless anyways. Even if I straight up refused to do dream duty, Joy wouldn't allow it. Plus, maybe I COULD prove that I can make it through the night without screaming, that way everyone would see I'm not such a wimp!

"Alright, if you say so."

We all say goodnight to one another before everyone else heads to their rooms and I walk towards the control console. I pull out a chair and wait for the dream to start.


I'm reading a newspaper when I notice from the corner of my eye the screen starting to go from black to static. I put the newspaper down and get prepared for what's to come. Who knows what kind of dream we got in store tonight?

The screen cuts to a classroom hallway. I don't like where this is going. Usually when a dream takes place in school, it ends up being a nightmare. Our two friends, Grace and Bree, come walking up to us. We wave at them.

"Grace! Bree! How's it been? You maybe wanna go get some ice cream after school?"

They awkwardly look at us and laugh to each other a bit. Grace finally speaks up to us.

"Uh.. no. We're- we're good Riley" she says

They both walk past us and we turn back towards them. They start to talk behind our back.

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