level one___the notification

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Luna's POV

The streets of Seoul were alive with energy as I stepped into Jin's gaming cafe, greeted by the familiar blend of excitement and camaraderie that always filled the air on a Friday night. Neon lights bathed the sleek interior in a soft, ethereal glow, casting dynamic shadows over rows of high-powered computers. This place, with its rows of monitors and the faint hum of cooling fans, felt like a second home—a sanctuary where friendships were forged and rivalries thrived.

"Hana! Jisoo! Daehyun! Samuel!" I called out, slipping into the seat between Hana and Daehyun. "Sorry I'm late."

Hana, with her contagious laughter and precision on the keyboard, grinned at me. "Right on time, Luna. We've been holding down the fort."

Daehyun, ever the strategist, adjusted his glasses with a smirk. "Just in time to witness my epic plays."

I chuckled, settling into my seat and adjusting my headset. Across from us, Jin, the owner of the cafe and our unofficial leader in gaming expertise, flashed a knowing smile as he monitored the room from his station behind the counter. His cafe was not just a place to play; it was a hub where gamers of all levels gathered to challenge each other and share their passion.

As we delved into our game, the tension mounted with each passing minute. The familiar rhythm of clicks and calls filled the air, punctuated by bursts of laughter and the occasional cheer. It was during a heated exchange, amidst the adrenaline rush of competition, that my phone buzzed softly on the desk beside me. Curiosity piqued, I glanced down and saw the notification: lee_yongbok is about to go live.

My heart skipped a beat. lee_yongbok, otherwise known as Felix—a skilled gamer whose charisma and quick wit had captured my attention since I stumbled upon his stream months ago. I couldn't help but smile, a blush creeping onto my cheeks at the thought of watching him in action again.

"Hey guys," I interrupted, trying to keep my voice steady despite the excitement bubbling inside me, "I think I might have to head out soon. Something came up."

Hana, always perceptive, raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Ooh, is it because your 'something' wears a headset and dominates leaderboards?"

Laughter erupted around the table as I playfully rolled my eyes, cheeks warming further. "Maybe. Or maybe I just have plans, okay?"

Jisoo, ever the diplomat, interjected with a grin. "Well, if it's lee_yongbok, we won't hold you back. Go, Luna, and may your ping be low and your headshots be true!"

With a mix of fond farewells and good-natured ribbing, I packed up my gear and bid farewell to Jin and my friends. Stepping out into the cool Seoul night, I couldn't suppress the smile that spread across my face. The anticipation of catching lee_yongbok's livestream coursed through me, adding an extra bounce to my steps as I made my way home.


Felix's POV

The convenience store buzzed with fluorescent lights and the faint hum of coolers as my friends and I scoured the aisles for our late-night gaming provisions. Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Seungmin, and I.N—we were a raucous bunch, bantering and joking as we tossed snacks and energy drinks into our baskets. It was a routine we knew well, part of our prelude to another evening of hanging out and camaraderie.

"Hey Felix, remember the ramen incident?" Hyunjin teased, nudging me as we navigated the snack aisle.

I chuckled, tossing a packet of instant noodles into the cart. "Yeah, I ate it all. You snooze, you lose, my friend."

As we approached the checkout counter, the cashier greeted us with a knowing smile, accustomed to our late-night visits. After paying for our loot amidst playful banter and shared jokes, we lingered outside the store, the city alive with the pulse of Friday night. My phone buzzed in my pocket, reminding me of the impending livestream.

"Alright guys," I announced, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. "I've got a stream to prep for. Catch you all online later!"

Farewells and promises of catching up echoed behind me as I made my way home through the bustling streets of Seoul. Each step filled me with anticipation, thoughts racing ahead to my setup at home and the eager faces of the Karrage Fam, my loyal viewers and virtual family.

Entering my room, the familiar setup greeted me—the soft glow of monitors casting a warm ambiance over my gaming station. With practiced ease, I adjusted the webcam and checked my stream settings, ensuring everything was perfect for the evening ahead. The chat was already buzzing with excitement as familiar usernames filled the screen.

"Hey everyone!" I greeted enthusiastically, my voice carrying genuine warmth. "Welcome back to another stream with yours truly, Felix! Got some awesome plans lined up tonight, so stick around!"

Leaning back in my chair, I watched as the chat exploded with greetings and emojis, each message a testament to the community we had built together. For me, this wasn't just about gaming; it was about the connections forged through shared passion and the thrill of entertaining and engaging with my audience.

As the countdown to the livestream began, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The stage was set, the audience was ready, and I was eager to dive into another night of adventure and camaraderie with the Karage Fam. Little did I know, beyond the confines of my digital realm, destiny was already stirring—waiting to weave my path with someone whose journey would soon intersect with mine in ways I could never have imagined.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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