Chapter 8

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Inspector: (grimly) Don't worry Mrs Birling. I shall do my duty. ( He looks at his watch.)

Mrs Birling: (triumphantly) I'm glad to hear it.

Inspector: No hushing up, eh? Make an example of the young man, eh? Public confession of responsibility – um?

Mrs Birling: Certainly. I consider it your duty. And now no doubt you'd like to say good night.

Inspector: Not yet. I'm waiting.

Mrs Birling: Waiting for what?

Inspector: To do my duty.

Sheila: (distressed) Now, mother – don't you see?

Mrs Birling: ( understanding now) But surely .... I mean ... it's ridiculous . . .

//she stops, and exchanges a frightened glance with her husband.//

Birling: ( terrified now) Look Inspector, you're not trying to tell us that – that my boy – is mixed up in this? He's engaged for heaven's sake!

Inspector: (sternly) If he is, then we know what to do, don't we? Mrs Birling has just told us.

Birling: ( thunderstruck) My God! But – look here -

Mrs Birling: (agitated) I don't believe it. I won't believe it . . .

Sheila: Mother – I begged you and begged you to stop-

//Inspector holds up a hand. We hear the front door. They wait, looking towards door. Eric and Y/N enter. Eric looking extremely pale and distressed with Y/N holding onto him, making sure he's stable enough to walk. He meets their inquiring stares. Eric is standing just inside the room and the others are staring at him ans Y/N.//

Eric: You know, don't you?

Inspector: (as before) Yes, we know.

Y/N: (looking awfully confused) Know what?

// Eric shuts the door and comes farther in Y/N walking beside him, staying close to his side to try and comfort him.//

Mrs Birling: (distressed) Eric, I can't believe it. There must be some mistake. You don't know what we've been saying.

Sheila: It's a good job for him he doesn't, isn't it?

Eric: why?

Sheila: Because mother's been busy blaming everything on the young man who got this girl into trouble, and saying he shouldn't escape and should be made an example of.

Birling: That's enough, sheila.

Y/N: What's going on?

Eric: (bitterly and dismissive of Y/N concerns) You haven't made it any easier for me, have you, mother?

Mrs Birling: But I didn't know it was you – I never dreamt. Besides, you're not the type – you don't get drunk.

Sheila: Of course he does. I told you he did.

Eric: You told her. Why, you little sneak!

Sheila: No, that's not fair, Eric. I could have told her months ago, but of course I didn't. I only told her tonight because I knew everything was coming out – it was simply bound to come out tonight – so I thought she might as well know in advance. Don't forget – I've already been though it.

Mrs Birling: Sheila, I simply don't understand your attitude.

Birling: Neither do I. If you'd had any sense of loyalty.

Inspector: (cutting in, smoothly) Just a minute, Mr Birling. There be plenty of time, when I've gone, for you all to adjust your family relationships. But now I must hear what your son has to tell me. ( sternly, to the three of them.) And I'll be obliged if you'll let us get on without any further interruptions. (turning to Eric.) Now then.

An Inspector Calls Eric x fiancée ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now