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Jungkook : Hamza !!! Hamza !!! Oh !! Hamza uthjaaa !!!

Hamza who was sleeping like a dead Whale open his eyes a lil and said in sleepy deep husky voice

Hamza : mmmmm??

Jungkook : Sala seduce karta Hain tere tonnnn!!! UTH

Jungkook kick his ass making him groan in pain he sit up on the sofa and look at the clock

Hamza : arey oh bhai ?? Look at the time it's freaking!!! 05:00am !!!!

Jungkook : babyboy it's time to showwwwwww

Hamza : hain???

Jungkook : let's make our girls awake in our style?

Hamza : astagfirullah astagfirullah our girls ?

Jungkook : arey chup !!!

Hamza : but why so early in the morning??? I mean look at the time I have to offer Fajr salah ~

Jungkook : ahhhh okay okay but after that we will woke all the girls ~

Hamza ; but why Jungkook let them sleep na

Jungkook : ahh boy look at the time today is function we have to prepared so many things for today!

Hamza : hain??? Seriously?? Like seriously??? Look at the time !!

Jimin : yaahhhh what happened why are you shouting???

Jimin said while rubbing his eyes

Jungkook : chup chap soo jaon Sira ke khayalon me

Jimin : arey Han okokok !

Jimin sleep again Hamza chuckled than he get up from the sofa ~

Jungkook : go offer your Salah fast I'm waiting for you in the bathroom ~

Hamza : la hawla wala kauwatta illa billa, tauba tauba, astagfirullah


jungkook : Abey oh bhai , i wanna discuss something ~

Hamza : okok I'm going in the washroom to do wudu

Jungkook : okayyy

After Hamza offered salah they both went to the washroom with a not so big girlish type bag

Hamza : what is this??? Why are you doing this astagfirullah!!!!

Jungkook : arey chup !!! We will have fun

Hamza : na na na I'm not going to do this ~

Jungkook : shut up you have to do it !! Now come here lemme put this on ~



n the girl's room they all were sleeping peacefully Sira Elma went back to their sleep after offering Fajr prayer, where Aina was on the prayer mat making dua to Allah ~ and Jennie was on the Sofa as she was waiting for Aina to complete her prayer so that they both can go back to sleep Jennie was half in her sleep

Aina : Ya Allah forgive my Allah sins ya rabbi

Aina : ya Allah i know we all are sinners but ya rabbi I have heard that your heaven is filled with sinners but only those sinners who repented ~

Aina : Allah i know we all did so many sins without even realising


Aina flinch when she heard that she look here and there and saw nothing than she thought she's just delusionaling ~

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