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hyunjin got very close to Felix and Felix was shaking

Felix: Please leave me, I didn't do anything, I swear!

Hyunjin: Don't be afraid, my dear

Felix: Promise not to do anything for me?

Hyunjin laughed softly and Hyunjin grabbed Felix's chin and brought Felix's face closer to his And kiss him!

Felix was shocked and tried to push Hyunjin, but Hyunjin was much stronger than him

Felix was even more shocked when the kiss became very deep and Felix was trying to breathe

Hyunjin noticed Felix breathing hard so Hyunjin let go of Felix

Hyunjin noticed Felix crying

Hyunjin: Why is my angel crying? ~

Felix: L-Leave me...

Hyunjin: Sorry, my angel, but you were the one who started

Hyunjin pushed Felix against a wall and Felix got scared

Hyunjin kissed Felix and kissed him again, but his kiss was very deep

So deep that you don't even feel alive

And don't feel like you can even move

You feel like you're alone...

Lonely, no one sees you except the person in your heart

As if you are not alive at all

You feel like a doll in front of the whole world

As if you were a drug among only one person ...

All this is what our little Felix feels...

Then Felix fell unconscious

While Hyunjin is silent

Hyunjin: You were the one who wanted this Lee Felix...

After that, Hyunjin left and Felix remained in this dark room like a person who never sees his life

He feels that his life is poison

Poison and fire catches his body...

Felix doesn't know why all this is happening to him...

What did he do for all of this to happen to him?

Felix believes that his grandmother's words are true. He is just a puppet in front of everyone...

You will be surprised because we Never We are talking about his grandmother Felix...

So today we will see Felix's past with his grandmother:

Australia /2010/9:

Felix: Mommy, why are we going to my grandmother's house?

Silence chalort (Felixs's mother): You know, my child, your father died and your damned grandmother wants us with her

Felix: Why don't we stay here in our house? It's better than living with my grandmother!

Chalort is silent: I know, but you know that your grandmother will keep talking and saying nonsense, so don't care, okay?

Felix is ​​from a rich family and he lives in his mother and father's palace, as the name of the palace is named after Felix and everything is in the name of Felix. This was a gift from his father before he died. The mother did not tell her son that everything was named in his name, but she hides it because his damned grandmother wants to take everything for her and wants to take it. Felix's father's company is very famous, and where chalort now works, and she would rather die and not give the company to his grandmother

chalort was driving her luxury car with her young son next to her

Then they arrived at his grandmother's house

Grandma: My little grandson, Felix, how beautiful you are, you look just like your father!

Chaloret: Yes...

Grandmother: I wasn't talking to you, you idiot Also, when will you receive and hand over the company to me?

Chalort: You dream about this The company is in the name of my son, and I swear that until I am a hundred, its name will not change!

Grandmother: If you were like this, Felix, what would it be like? A bitch like you or an idiot?

Chalort: Very funny. At least my son will be the president of his father's company and not a foolish old woman who says words while she dreams that this will happen.

Grandmother: Let's see that then...

the end of the Felix Past:

You will be surprised and ask, where is Charlort now?

Currently, chalort is in Germany
I made three companies in Felix's name, otherwise you would not have given her husband's company to his mother Foolish *Grandma *

She is now trying to open her fourth company

but She does not know that her young son will fall in love with his teacher!

With Chaloret:

*Challort was sitting in her chair and working on the keyboard in her private office, and suddenly a call came from her and it was her friend (Karina)*

Note: Karina is Hyunjin's mother

I know you will be surprised, but I will explain to you now! 🦾


Chalort and Karina's past:

Where Chalort was running because there was someone following her
In a mistake, chalort fell on Karina

Chalort: Damn, sorry, sorry

Karina: Hey, don't apologize, why were you running? Is there something wrong?
Charlotte: Yes, someone was following me for no reason!

Karina: Hmm, I understand, come with me!

Chalort and Karina were running together and someone was following them

We were trapped because the person in front of them and behind them was a large lake

Chalort: Damn it, what are we going to do?!?

Karina: We'll jump!

Shalort: What are you kidding me? Do you want us to die?!?

Karina: I would rather die in a lake than have a stupid person kill me

Charlote: Yes, I agree with you.

Then Chalort and Karina jumped together into his lake They both fell towards a very beautiful lake, and then they found land far from anyone, and they both sat on land, and the atmosphere was very beautiful, and the air passed by their faces, and fruit in front of them shone.

Chalort: Thank you for saving me,...

Karina: My name is Karina

Charlote: My name is Charlote

Karina: Nice to meet you, chalort

Chalort: Me too!

chalort: How about we become friends?

Karina: Of course!

the end of past Chaloret and Karina 🦾
Chalort: Hello Karina

Karina: Hello chalort, how are you?

chalort: Fine, and you?

Karina: Fine, oh, and when will you come?

chalort: Maybe tomorrow I will miss , my little son, Felix

Karina was shocked and froze....

****the end ****
You expect how Karina will respond to chalort?!
Will she know that her son is young with Karina's son?

My teacher حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن