5. Monet Name

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As a decent and organized person, I could force myself to get out of bed in the morning and make myself presentable, even with the greatest pain. Especially on school days. That's why when Monday came, when I was to cross the gates of the private high school, to which Vincent had sent me, for the first time I was ready to leave well ahead of time.

The uniform fit me like a glove. The khaki plaid skirt reached just above my knee, the tucked-in white shirt smelled of newness, and the stiff dark blazer weighed down dignifiedly on my shoulders. I kept glancing at my right breast, where the school's logo was embroidered on the pocket. On my feet, I had patent shoes and long white knee socks. I couldn't get used to the fact that I looked like all those characters from books and TV shows about rich kids in private academies. However, the thought occurred to me that I preferred reading about them rather than embodying them myself. In this version, I just felt uneasy.

I longed to put on something familiar, something that would remind me that I was still the same person, Hailie. I started looking around the wardrobe for such an item, but the uniform was so complete that any accessories would be unnecessary. That's when my eyes fell on the box of earrings from my mom. I slowly reached for them, opened it, and stared at the two shiny hearts.

Will, who knocked on my door to wake me up, snapped me out of my reverie. He acknowledged my self-discipline with surprise and approval, then approached me and glanced over my shoulder at the treasure I held in my hand.


"From mom," I whispered. It cost me a lot to hold back tears. They liked to appear in my eyes at moments like this, completely unexpectedly. And I didn't want to go to school with a puffy face.

"Why don't you wear them?"

"She wouldn't let me. I guess she was afraid I was too young and would lose them." I smiled slightly.

"So why did she give them to you?" Will raised an eyebrow.

"She didn't give them to me. I found them myself a few years ago while playing in her room. She was a bit angry with me. She gave me a long lecture about rummaging through other people's things."

"She hid them from you?" Will was intrigued. Oh, how nice his voice was, so gentle and calm. It brought me the comfort I needed, especially that stressful morning. I also liked his sincere but non-intrusive interest.

"She bought them for me on the occasion of my birth, but she wanted to give them to me only when I was of legal age. As a symbolic gift, you know. She liked such things."

"I understand." Will nodded and thoughtfully stared at my earrings. "Would you like to wear them now?"

I hesitated.

"Hm... I think... I think not," I whispered, and after confirming this decision, I closed the box and placed it on the shelf in the wardrobe. "I really wouldn't want to lose them, so maybe better not."

Will patted my shoulder, showing that he supported my decision. I know it's just a matter of stupid earrings, but that gesture gave me courage.

Then he sent me to the kitchen, where, with a headband in my hair and a sparkle in my eye, I ate breakfast when Shane joined me. In contrast, he was tousled and groggy, with the tie of his uniform hanging loosely around his shoulders, not yet tied. I noticed that he gave me a long look but didn't comment on my appearance, so different from his own. He was clearly not in the best mood; he sighed loudly, impatiently waiting for the coffee machine to work.

Next down the stairs into the kitchen rolled Tony. Without a doubt, he won the contest for the grumpier twin. He hadn't even tucked his shirt into his pants, not to mention that he had misplaced his tie. He didn't even look at me or bother to respond to my hoarse "hi." Not that I had a great desire to greet him myself, especially after overhearing a conversation the previous evening. I knew I had upset him and suspected he would ignore me, but what could I say – my mom raised me to be polite.

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