Fire flights

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Help... Help... that is what John heard when he was out exploring a old prison on mars Help me please. John was with a group known as the fireflights, the fireflights are men who are like detectives and archeologist but  instead of searching for bones or arresting people they are on mars trying to find one man named Mr.Microy. Mr.Microy was last seen when he was arrested for kidnapping, murder and robbery. Help... Help... there it was again then BOOM! The building collapsed. 

20 hours earlier 

 Ring ring ring. John can you get that? i’m doing dishes that was johns wife rose johnson ring ring ring. John! huh ya can you please get the phone it might be the hospital calling about mark and what is wrong with him “ok” john said ring ring rin... hello? John said in a tired voice Hello is this John Johanson? Yes? what is this about well sir this is Richard donald calling about your sons condition well it seems like your son has been taken over by some sort of creature, Well do you know what it is then “no” we don’t know yet but we will call... John interrupted him well don’t call me until it’s out or you know what it is. who was that? asked Rose it was the doctor And... Rose asked curiously, they don’t have anything yet.

that night John was up while Rose was asleep.he was typing a story about the world ending and what you need to survive. Then John heard someone at the door he got up but before he got to the door they came in the men who call themselves fireflights. before John could say anything or scream he had a towel in his mouth and was lifted off his feet. The next morning Rose woke up and John wasn’t in the bed so she figured he went to work she went down stairs and found a note on the table 


Dear Ms. Johanson 

Your husband has been chosen for his special skills in testing a new experiment 

thank you 

Hello John, said a tall yet skinny man, who are you people? said John. we are the FFS The what?! The FFS Fireflight service  we need you. need me for what? we need you to go up to mars and find a man by the name of Mr.microy, why? Because we need him to figure out why haven’t we been getting the calls back that we have been sending. well what do I get out of this? you get a free vacation to Hawaii for six months. fine I’ll do it.

Thank you John you will not regret your choice. John was already beginning to regret his it.  John was led to a room with three bunks in it but there was only one left a bottom one in the left corner. There were five other men in the cabin they were all asleep except for one. “ who are you” john asked my name is curtis he said it in a south western accent with a high voice what’s yours? my name is John Phillip Johanson I just came here from south dakota how long have you been here? A few years. another man came into the room and told John to come with him for private training. So what does this training consist of asked john well it consist of running jumping firing a weapon and whatever you signed up to be in the office. John was now trying to remember what he 

signed up for then he remembered search and destroy. After all the training was done a loud speaker.  Attention battalion 2-2-4-0 report to the briefing meeting immediately and get your emergency cards and be ready for take off. 

An emergency card is a card that says your emergency number in case you get cut off from the other men it also has your battalion number and what you signed up for and it has your picture. my number is 224563. Is every one ready for take off, YES SIR. get on that ship and go to mars and find that man! John was caught in a rush of every other men going to the star light. curtis was in front of John waiting to load onto the shuttle.When I got on the shuttle it was beautiful there was a luxury room with champagne and a bunch of fancy foods the captain said hold on tight we are going to be going from zero to five hundred in a second. John heard a count down ten... nine... eight... I started to day dream about what mars would look like was it nice or ugly three... two... one... blast off I heard a rumble It felt like I snapped my neck at first but really I didn’t the captain said you would feel a slight pain and I guess he was right.

I heard the captain say that we were about to land in about a minute Ba boom! what had happened? am I dead? what did we hit? So many questions were going through my head. I started to walk around I found a man who was sitting next to me on his tag it said Jack Morris his legs were crushed from a refrigerator I finally came to mine that I saw in the distance thinking what ever hit is problem in here I heard a rumble I better get out of here before it collapses. Help... Help... who was that could he be the man we were looking for? Help...Help there it was again who was that person who was calling? BOOM!!! the building collapsed. what is wrong with this place god im trying to help someone and a tunnel collapses wait a minute what’s this? gun powder! someone tried to blow us up! I lost my whole squad I could of tried and saved a ma... help... there it was a light faint voice he’s still alive. I started to run maybe i might make it to him before he’s gone  HELP!... it was really close now help... faint like right underneath me help... help meI started to go through the wood and pieces of tunnel  I see a face  a very dirty face. who are you I asked? wha WHO AE YOU! my name is  jack riddle ok jack im going to get you out of hear alright. ya. 

where are we going said jack where going to find some one who? a friend, well what’s his name shut up! your acting like a dumb five year old with all these questions! nice a name tag really dusty though said jack. he wiped it off  it said John philip Johanson FFS Jack looked at john what? why are you looking at me like that? your an FFS  Agent, Ya why? get away from me I heard curtis’s voice say get him it’s Mr.Microy! by that time I looked to get him but he was already to far away running towards the town I looked back at curtis he was walking through the rubbish of the star lights wing what a disaster the star light is out no men alive but us and Microy. What about villagers? no they wouldn’t survive that kind of crash unless they were in their... homes. John were going to go check out the town people that could be in there get your beammer ready. let’s roll.

Hey look, there are people guess you were right John ya but he doesn’t look to good and what’s he eating? wait where is it going? asked john, I don’t know john stop asking questions ok! fine, I will stop asking questions. thank you now let’s go check out what that thing was eating. what is it? asked curtis well um... I have no idea i man this is only my first year here it looks like a person or something like that maybe even a taller monkey. Well whatever it is let’s not be it’s supper. said john well speaking of supper let’s go see what’s in the café. that fine with me said curtis. by the time we were in the café there was this really thick fog and it started to stink. wow this sandwich is great john where did you learn to make them, well before this I was a cook in a small town named Abington Pennsylvania. what I thought you lived in South Dakota. well that’s where i was born and grew up but when I was eighteen I moved to pennsylvania. was it better than south dakota? ya a little bit there still was some crimes like anywhere in the world  but i still liked making my sandwiches  it was my dream but then i got taken by these monsters. you mean the firelights? yes i was at home writing my second favorite  thing to do in my spare time but know i’m trying to find some guy who has access to why every one is dead and what shot us down? there’s so many questions and so little answers. but my parents always told me before they were suddenly taken i never really knew my father but my mother we were really clos... GET DOWN enemy fire from the south west. I dove into a bush to avoid getting shot at from whatever was shooting at me but all's I hear is gun fire and curtis groaning in agony 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2013 ⏰

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