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Kairo sent you a message,

❝Iintindihin kita, palagi.❞


❝There are no more things that can make us happy aside from being understood. But how can we understand someone if they cannot understand themselves either?❞



NOTE.  Aside from it will be written in a chat style, this book will contain images, also. Anyway, expect for lame and not-so-unique plot, grammatical errors, typographical errors, mispelled and vulgar words. If you're an immature and perfectionist reader, you can stop reading this note right now. All the plot, places, and so on, are all came from the writer's imagination only. Also, the name of the characters are not so unique so please don't waste your time thinking negative things about it. I have borrowed also some of the names here so if they are familiar to you, it's either I asked for their permission or it is purely coincidental. If there's a problem, you can message me directly and I am hundred percent willing to talk about it. I hope you all guys will like this. Again, this book contains unpleasant words that may give someone a feeling of uncomfortable so if you're very very sensitive, you can stop reading this. Thank you!

BOOK COVER. This is edited by yours truly. I don't own the background that was used so I sincerely give the credits to rightful owner/artist. I just saw this from Pinterest. This is not so eye-catching book cover but please don't use or copy this kind of template. Anyway, if you're looking for a background like this, you can search it with the keywords "couple art aesthetics." Thanks!

DETAILS. This book was published on the fifteenth day of June, 2024. This is under on the genre Random and it's status is not yet completed. This is all rights reserved and a Tagalog-English book.

AUTHOR. Hi! I am seoulgibare and I am not a good writer but please let me express my unsaid feelings and thoughts here with the use of writing. I am not also fluent when it comes to English language, so you can always correct me for my grammatical errors. I don't have too much creativeness on my mind so I think most of the plot of my stories here will be lame. But, anyway, I will also published a novel-type of story soon and a compilation of my one shot stories. I hope you will read it, too. Thank you a lot! 

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