XLIII - Visit

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It's currently 23:00 right now, and CatNap still haven't gotten back yet.
I'm getting a little uneasy, because dad promised that CatNap would be home by now.. if nothing goes wrong.
This means that something DEFINITELY went wrong while that happened.

(Bubba) "You not sleeping, DD?"
(D-Day) "I'm still waiting for CatNap to come back.."
(Bubba) "I'm sure he will return.. just.. really late at night. We still have school tomorrow, and you haven't even finished your literature essay"
(D-Day) "I'll do it tomorrow, Bubba.. I'm so fucking.. tired.."
(Bubba) "I still have some research to do, so uh- if you need anything, I'll be in my room, 'kay?"
(D-Day) "Right, thanks man.."

Bubba forced a smile, before returning ti his respective bedroom.
I sat down quietly on the sofa, turning off the lights to make outsiders think that people in this house are noe inactive.
I slumped down onto the sofa, wrapping CatNap's lavender scented blanket around me. That'll comfort me for a while..


I started to stir..
Where did it went wrong?
Is this because of Solvver's arrival.?
Is this because of the TikTok video if me.?
Is this because I got raped.?
I don't even want to think anymore.
I always thought that life would be happy with CatNap, but everything is just.. ruined.

I don't know how much longer can I even take.
I'll need to schedule an appointment with a therapist.. or just Bobby.
But that bitch is just too quirky.

Why did I call her that..?
I guess I'm just a little bit angered for now.
So, I decided that I would like to watch some TV, until midnight.

I got up, and dragged myself over to the TV, grabbing the remote before I return to the sofa, with a cooke inside Picky's cookie jar.
This week is butterscotch and glazed, yum.

I sat down once again, and hit the power button.
Huh.. it's not on YouTube this time, or Netflix.? But tuned to the news channel instead.
I was seconds away from clicking off.. but then..
The intro of the news channel played.
I don't know, because I barely watch the news, but I've heard that this intro is not normal. The different color scheme and low-pitched music definitely means thag it is something serious and out of the ordinary.
So I kept watching.

Late Night News Channel - ZZZ.
Breaking News!
Highschool Freshman brutally murders 7 Sophomores

Now that looks interesting, and rather, disturbing as well.

"Good evening, citizens. I know it's probably late by now, and there's barely anyone watching, but this is urgent."
"I'm your journalist, Jonathan Quilips here, and let's start with tonight's report."


"As you might have read the headline, a freshman, has taken away the lives of seven other students, just today.
"The bloodshed took place at the city's local police station, number 005. It had taken place just now, around, half an hour ago or so."
"Security units in the station has recorded the whole situation, specially when the murdering took place."
"Now, let's move on. We will have Officer Solar, Head Sergant of the Elite Forces, and the only witness."

Eclipse's Reunion - DogDay x CatNap (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now