Chapter 4

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"Take 10 and we will go for outdoor shoot!"the director shouted(scream)

"Finally!"aixue sigh as she drop herself on a random beanbag.

"2 more shoots to go..."she pouted

"*sigh*bless you"huiqi said to her.

"what do you mean by that!?-.-"i laughed at them.

"lol,btw,did you guys see the boys?"i asked.they have been gone since 15 minutes ago

"what?you miss your xiaokai already?"

"Who missed me?"a voice suddenly said from behine me



"So...where is our next location?"wangyuan questioned.

"The 'lovers park' i guess"aixue stated.

"Did you guys heard about the 'sakura tree leagend'?"huiqi asked us.

"Whats that?"we asked her.

"Leagend said that if you confess your love to someone under the tree,it will surely succeed.thats the only sakura tree in the park btw.and it very special cause it blooms for the whole year.interesting right?"she explained.

"But not sure if its true..."i said.

"Now get into the car!we will be going to the park now!"the director shouted again.

~at the park~

We were under the sakura tree

So this is the tree huh?

"I give u guys and girls 5 minutes and we will start shooting!"-director.we nodded towards him.

"The tree is pretty!"aixue exclaimed

"and huge"i added

The next few minutes were full of usless chattings.

"come over here and we will start!"


Xiaokai and I were the first pair to shoot.we were sitting under the sakura tree.i was told to face him while he face the front.

"Lean closer yating!"i leaned closer towards xiaokai."kiss his cheek"


"Must I?"and a stern 'yes' was the reply.i lean in but xiaokai turn his head suddenly,and i felt something on my lips.

1sec 2sec 3sec(with camera flashes)

I pushed him away,blushing red.littertly red

We were littertly kissing!

"Wooooo~"the crew & and the 4 idiots.

"Shut up!"xiaokai shouted at them with a straight but red face.

I burried my face in my knees trying not to make eye contact with him.

"hey,yating,can you continue?"


The rest of the shoot was awkard for both of us but at least we managed to finished it.

Aixue's p.o.v

Its our turn!

Yuanyuan drag me to the sakura tree and sitted down.yes i call him yuanyuan and he call me xiaoxue.

"Wangyuan hug aixue from the back!"
His arm went around my waist."you ok with this?"he wispered."yeah..."

"Can i rest on your shoulder?i didnt get to sleep much last night"i nodded my head and felt the weight on my shoulder.

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