Well Isn't This Just Interesting?

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A young teenage girl walked into a small, cramped and cluttered room. There was a big lamp turned on with a dimmed light that made little items such as gems, plants, and animal bones scattered over the windows, window sills, ceiling, desks, over the room sparkle with a gloomy, yellowish light. And oh how many little objects there were; basically any sort of vacant space something could take up, there was an object lying there.
Two girls, about the same age as the first, were laying on a small bed together across from each other. One of them was on her phone, seemingly playing some sort of game. She had straight, smooth, silky, raven black hair, with beautiful deep brown eyes and pale skin, she also had long, lanky legs that dangled off the edge of the bed.
The third girl was quite the opposite of the second one, who was still intently staring at her phone, and she was watching her play the game. The third girl had shoulder-length, beautiful, beach blonde curls, bright icy eyes, and beautifully sun-tanned skin. She was a bit stocky, but it suited her happy, friendly personality. She hurriedly looked up to the first girl and guided her over to her and the other girl with her hands.
The first girl could've been described as a good mix between the second and third girl; she had wavy, dirty-blonde hair, hazel blue eyes with a small ring of goldish orange surrounding the pupil, and lightly tanned skin.
She looked at the third girl and began to walk over to the two girls.
"Vodi! Get over here, Dakota brought up a really fun idea!" The blonde one squeaked, pointing to the black haired one, whose name seemed to be Dakota. Vodi, the first girl, looked between Dakota and Rena, the blonde one, but then turned her attention to Dakota.
Rena looked at Dakota expectantly, who was still playing on her phone and didn't take any notice of them staring at her.
"Ahem. Dakota..." Rena glared at her. Dakota finally looked up from her phone.
"Huh? What?" Dakota said confusedly, finally looking up from her phone.
"You said that you had a fun idea. Would you mind telling Vodi what you came up with?" Rena said, she began to smile again and gestured over to Vodi with her hands, who was standing there awkwardly. Dakota finally realized what she was talking about and said "ohhh", looked at Vodi and smiled a big, mischievous smile. She tapped on the screen of her phone a couple more times and put it down beside her, then she looked up to Vodi and Rena again.
"Well... You know, since we're having a sleepover, I thought that maybe we could actually do something fun this time. Because, you know, we usually never do anything interesting," explained Dakota to Vodi. "And don't forget; this is my house, so you must agree to doing whatever I want." She smirked at Vodi, who was just staring at her.
"Ok, but you haven't even said what you want to do." Vodi pointed it out to her.
Dakota smiled even more.
"Oh don't you worry about it." Dakota said.
"Dakota, we're going to worry about it if you don't tell us what you want to do and just drag us into doing it without me or Vodi agreeing to wanting to do whatever you wanna do. Even though I already know what you want to do." Rena replied helpfully, with a bit of a snarky tone to her voice.
Dakota glanced at Rena and scrunched up her face sourly at her.
"Ok, you have a good point. Anyway," Dakota said back to Rena before turning her attention back over to Vodi, "well my fun idea is that, maybe, if you want to, we could go out in the woods. You know. The ones everyone calls 'creepy'." Vodi's eyes went wide.
"What." Vodi replied in a very monotone voice. Obviously she knew what Dakota was talking about, but Vodi strongly disliked scary things, especially the spooky forest nearby.
"Oh, come on, Vodi. It'll be fun!" Rena tried to reassure Vodi. "And I'll stay with you the whole time while we explore." Rena stood up and put her hand on Vodi's shoulder. Dakota also stood up and took a step to be near them, so they all surrounded Vodi.
"Yea, I will too," Dakota added in, looking at Vodi. "And don't you like collecting bones too? Because there's plenty of those in the forest, that's where I find most of mine." Dakota added in that part because Vodi enjoyed finding bones with her.
"Well..." Vodi hesitated to continue talking. Her mouth was still open.
She looked beyond both girls through a window by the bed the two were previously laying on a couple seconds ago.
It still appeared to be a bit light outside.
Vodi sighed.
"Fine. I will go with you guys as long as one of you stays with me. AND, let's please not be out there past dark... It gets really spooky out there."
Dakota and Rena both smiled in delight as they looked at each other happily.
Oh goodness. Thought Vodi. I sure don't like the way they're looking at each other. I pray to God that they aren't planning anything mean.
"Alrighty then. Let's get going, shall we?" Dakota said mischeviously with a sly look on her face as she walked out of the room.
Rena put her hand on Vodi's shoulder to get her attention and then squeezed her in a tight, strong, hug that suffocated her. Vodi patted her back slowly as she coughed and choked for air. Rena finally let her go after 10, agonizingly slow seconds of a hug that would be taking 5 years off Vodi's short, human life.
"Trust me," Rena stated, "You're gonna love this little adventure."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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