The monster awakens

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𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: There is gore in this piece. If you are uncomfortable with such things, please ignore this post.

Once, I had a very strange dream. In my view, there was a long path with beautiful flowers radiating a charming sight. As I strolled through all those flowers, my quiet gaze kept stealing glances of what nature has to offer. Guided by the sole reason of exploring this labyrinth, I managed to reach the end, or you may say, the beginning of the end. I beheld a cherry tree with its ineffable beauty providing a fascinating sight. My whole attention was captivated by its mere existence.

It was a cynosure for all the flowers. The experience was so delightful yet ephemeral. It was just like an epitome of serendipity or so I believed. As I turned around and decided to leave the place, I heard a cracking sound from behind. Out of curiosity, I faced the tree yet again to find out the source of that sound. Maybe, I could find someone in this isolated place. But to my surprise, I found something ominous. The whole scenery was changing into a horrendous environment.

The sky was painted black with a red blood-like moon, emitting its reddish light. The cherry tree stood there like a skeleton, outstretching its bare arms as if the tree was asking for help. After seeing the whole scene unfold right before my eyes, I was perplexed and shocked. I could not fathom how something so pleasing to the eye, was concealing such a stifling sight. To exacerbate the situation, I felt a strange presence staring at me.

My eyes shifted towards the one side of the tree ― the source of my uneasiness. And I saw it. The monster with its white flashing eyes. I could not see her face properly because her hair were covering it. Her malicious grin was still visible through her hair. And then, I could sense it. She was a menace. Her form was a bit different from humans. She was so big in size. At that moment, my whole existence began to tremble.

I wasn't able to breath properly. What was that creature? She kept on grinning while staring at me constantly. Then, she began to walk towards me. Seeing her closing in, my heart began to pound so hard in my chest. I tried to move my body but it wasn't listening to me. After struggling a lot, I was able to turn around and run as fast as I could to save my life. But, It was futile. I could still hear her footsteps.

Suddenly, I happened to trip and fall down on the ground. She closed the distance between us in that mere second. Before I could get up, her long slender-like hand grasped my chest from behind. I tried to break free from her grip but it was so tight, that my attempts were all in vain. My back was facing her and I didn't tried to turn my head just to look at her face. I was scared. She had my life in her hands. She could kill me at any time. But, she leaned in to my ear and then, I heard her voice.

“I've been waiting for so long. And now, you are finally here.”

Her voice sent shivers down my spine. What was she talking about? I could not understand anything. I was too scared that my eyes were constantly looking here and there, trying to think of something to save my life. She continued her statement.

“I will never let go of you. Your heart is mine and mine alone.”

Her other hand entered my shirt and I felt her long sharp nails against my skin. With a thrust, she pierced through my belly. A painful groan escaped my lips. My heart began to ache. I heard the sound of blood dropping on the ground. The scent of blood, it made me nauseous. As her hand moved further inside of my body, I coughed a lot of blood. Dizziness took over me as my consciousness was fading away. She was displacing my organs but I had no strength left to let out even a single groan.

Being in a half conscious state, I felt her hand around my heart. She brushed her thumb against my heart. The pain was too much for me. She was saying something but I could not completely hear it, only a little bit.

“I love you.”

My mind was unable to process anything. As my head was hanging downwards, I stared at the white flower. But soon, it was painted red with my blood.

Subsequently, I passed out. When I opened my eyes, I quickly sat up. My breathing was too shallow. Maybe, because the dream felt so real. I felt relieved when I realized that I was in my room.

“What a strange dream.”

I fell on my bed and sighed softly. But then, I felt immense pain in my stomach. I took one of my hand in my shirt and placed it on my stomach. I was shocked, as I raised my shirt and looked at my belly. There were some stitches. The fear again struck my whole existence. Sweat drops formed on my forehead. I couldn't believe it. It was real. The dream was real. But I still couldn't figure out how I was still alive. At that moment, I saw a large shadowy figure staring at me through the window with a same evil grin across its face.

“What have I brought into this world?”

After that day, I could always feel someone staring at me constantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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