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After their corpses were burned at the funeral on Rheanys Hill, the realm mourned King Viserys and Queen Aemma for fifty five days, and on the sixth day at the end of fall, their ashes were buried in the crept beneath the bowels of the Red Keep.

Indistinct chatter could be heard around the capital. Daybreak, the seven bells tolled loudly throughout the city of Kings Landing reaching to DragonStone to the seven gates surrounding the walls of the Great Sept itself. The bells echoes throughout the Streets, heralding the momentous occasion that was set to take place today.

Lords, lord paramounts and lord vassals, ladies, noblemen were all pouring in from the corners of the realm to witness the ascent of the new King, the sixth targaryen to sit the throne of the esteemed dynasty.

"Move it! Go! Go!"

"Hyah! Hyah!"

"Make way for the royal wheel house!"

"Make way for the royal wheelhouse!" Captain Randyll Barret shouted.

Indistinct yelling could be heard with bells tolling, people were processing to the Great Sept.

"Hey, hey, forward then!"

"Make way for the royal wheel house!"

"Go on, move yourself! Come on!" a Guard shouted as his horse neighs

indistinct yelling from the captains, guards all shouting, bells tolling, bird cawing.

The formally baby of 1, now 24 at a young age, will be taking the responsibilities of his late brother and resuming the bureau of authority. Prince Maegor was accompanied by the King Guard, men-at-arms in service to the crown, the Gold cloaks of the City watch and his Unsullied.

The Unsullied, elite warrior eunuchs bred and trained in Astapor, one of the three major cities of Slaver's Bay. They are slave-soldiers famed for their skills and discipline in battle. The Good Masters of Astapor often sell them to the Free Cities, such as Qohor, but when Maegor heard about them, he travelled from Qarth to Astapor, determined to buy the Unsullied.

He met a group of them by Kraznys mo Nakloz, one of the Good Masters. Maegor took millions of gold coins with him and, in exchange for 5,000 Unsullied and the boys still in training (about 5,000). The offer is accepted.

Maegor then meets with the Good Masters in a large plaza holding the entire force of 10,000 Unsullied. He bargained and delivers one of the teenage dragon, Drogon and is given a scourge that symbolizes ownership of the Unsullied.

Now their master, Prince Maegor orders them to kill all the Good Masters, soldiers, and slave overseers, spare the children, and free any slaves they find. After the sacking of the city is complete, he grants them their freedom and asks if they will stand by crown and fight as free men sworn to protect the targaryen dynasty. After a few moments, they unanimously acclaim Prince Maegor as their leader and has forever being loyal to the iron throne.

Horses galloping. Sighing, Maegor looked out the window, at the millions of people he'll forever be leading any moment from now. He donned the traditional targaryen colours red and black, adorned in regal attire befitting his royal status.

Maegor looks to side and examines the Valyrian steel, closely next to him, laid inside a sarcophagus small box in-between him and his niece.

The ancestral dagger owned by Aeonar, passed down to Aegon the conqueror to Viserys the peaceful was now in his possession. Looking at the blade he could see the valyrian runes whereas others could not "From my blood, comes the Prince that was promised, and his will be the Song of Ice and Fire."

The royal wheelhouse made way towards the Grand coronation ceremony. Beneath his ensembles, Maegor donned his leather tunic, with a shirt of red and black scales intricately engraved with a striking three head dragon embellished with dazzling emeralds rubies, his fingers adorned with black rings, inlaid with red stone, giving his impressive regalia a dark touch and carried the Valyrian steel Blackfyre in his hauberk.

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