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Incubus energy: incubus energy can be used for various things such as sex, attacking, defence, mind control or as a form of magic.

Soul mate: kissing a girl wether forceful or consensual marks a woman and cause them to devote their mind, body and soul to you.

Incubus pheromones: your sweat gives off an addicting scent that woman crave. Your semen can either be sterile or fertile. Your saliva is an aphrodisiac that can make any part of the body an erogenous zone and directly taking it into the body wether from it be from the south or north causes women to go into heat.

Pet names: calling a woman a pet name such as darling or otherwise causes them to be aroused.

Sexual endurance: your sexual stamina is unlimited.

Sexual power: every new girl you seduce gives you twice your current power. Taking virginity triples current power

Branding: after kissing a girl they'll be branded with your mark that causes sensitivity to triple

Incubus breath: you can blow your breath towards a woman and cause arousal. Only the desperate woman who haven't had sex for awhile can see it which causes them to seek more of it out.

Incubus tail: the end of your tail is sharp enough to cut through anything.

Orgasm lock: you can keep others from cumming if you want.

Incubus touch: you can create new erogenous zones by imbueing incubus energy.

Instantaneous orgasm: by stimulating an erogenous zone with incubus touch you can force an orgasm.

Cock size 11 inches.




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