10-You Reap what you sow.

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Maddy laid there on her bed,in silence filled with fear,hugging her pillow close to her body.

How can someone who once adored her hurt her like this?

How could Nate put this much fear into her heart? when,he claimed that he loved her or supposedly did before.

She just couldn't get her mind around it,no matter how much she thought about it.

She laid in the same spot for hours refusing to change clothes or move.

Until suddenly,there was a knock on her bedroom door that,snapped her back into reality.

"Mom,go away,i'm trying to sleep"She spoke quietly.

The bedroom door opened and the person came in.

"Look,mom i told you-"Maddy turned around to see Jax and she was surprised and embarrassed.

She was embarrassed to see him because currently,she was in a state.

She had puffy eyes and her mascara and eye liner was all down her face.

"Hey,whats wrong?"He laid on the edge of the bed "I'm sorry that i've just came over without you inviting me but i felt like something was wrong".

"I don't wanna talk about it"She looked at him with her bloodshot eyes.

"Thats okay baby"He placed his hand on her leg in a soothing way "i'm here for you".

Her eyes started to well up with tears and he instantly,pulled her into a hug as she began to cry.

"It's okay darling,let it out"He rubbed her back as he held her close.

"How can you still love me when i'm a mess?"She mumbled into his shoulder.

"Hey"He pulled her away from his shoulder to look at him "i'll always love you no matter what,i promise you".

She slightly smiled at him as tears ran down her face but Jax quickly wiped them away with his thumb.

He leaned in and kissed the side of her face.

"You don't have to worry or be scared,i'm here for you mads"He spoke with sincerity,looking at her saddened face.

Once again,Jax spent another night comforting Maddy over something Nate had done but little did he know about what Nate did.

The next morning,Maddy woke up to the sun blazing through her window and she wished that she hadn't of woken up.

She didn't want to get out of bed or face the real world today because it was just full of problems or problems waiting to occur.

Maddy didn't even want to go to school because that meant,she'd have to face Nate and truthfully,she was still shook up over lastnight.

She wished her bed would just swallow her up and make her dissapear but that,only happens in the movies.

"Get the hell out of my house"Maddy's mom yelled from downstairs.

For a second,she thought it was her parents arguing like usual but quickly,she remembered that Jax had stayed over and he was not beside her.

"Shit"She cussed,flinging back her bed sheets and diving out of bed.

"Ma'am i'm not trying to rob your house,i'm Maddy's friend"Jax could be heard pleaing with Mrs Perez.

"Mami stop!"Maddy shouted as she ran down the stairs to see Jax pinned in the corner of the kitchen by Mrs Perez as she stood in a ready to swing stance.

"Stop acting crazy mami!".

"This guy say's he's your friend"Maddy's mother turned to look at her.

"He's my boyfriend,actually"Maddy looked between the two.

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