My Violin

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Pick up the knife and slice through the skin
Oh, play me a song on that sweet violin
A song of love with it's tune of war
Singing me that song that we both adore
Faster and faster, baby pick up the pace
Mar up that body, scar up that face 

Glassy eyes and hollowed breath
 Walking around in sudden death
It's a game, the perfect match set
Hang on sweetheart, it ain't over yet
 Red strings quiver and rise
 Bubbling forth like an evening tide
Streams of this red river flows
Escaping to a place only it knows 

Screaming always screaming
 Lost to the world in your scheming
 Through your panic and your fear
Echoing those haunted words you hear
Disgusting, putrid, alone and broken
Laugh my poor fool, there's your token 

Now grab at that razor feel for the blade
Never let them see that you're always afraid
No one will listen, no one will care
All through the years, no one's been there
 Get over it, grow up be done
 But this is a battle yet to be won

 Bite through the flesh and tear at your skin
 Control that desire writhing within
Worth it, you want someone to say
 But only critiques pass by your way
 So again, you lash violently bleeding once more
 Hoping someone, anyone, will walk through that door..

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