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"I love Gojo Saturo!"

A soft laugh escapes Barkha's throat. It was the first time in the night she hadn't faked a laugh or smile as her eyes took in the sight of the little four-year old in front of the TV, hands on his hips.

"Yeah?" she asked. Atharva turned to look at her through his grey eyes-similar to his father-and ran towards her before hiding his face in her chest.

The staff were watching, a hint of amusement in their eyes when they had looked at Atharva being unusual from his quiet and shy persona.
That was what Gojo Saturo did to someone.

"Mumma," Atharva looked up from her chest. "They are looking."
Barkha shook her head and hugged Atharva's small frame. "It is just Nora," she explains.

Barkha took a handful of Sprinklers and stuffed in her mouth, to which both Nora-head staff of the mansion-and Atharva grimaced.

"Mumma, you will choke," he said, wiping off the crumbs from the corner of her lips by the sleeve of his sweatshirt.

Aw, her baby boy. Barkha smiled. "Since when did you grow up to be like your Uncle Apurva?"

Atharva giggled. "He would be upset if he heard that." Of course.

"Did Papa call today, Mumma?" The smile on Barkha's face dropped. The mention of Vardhaan tightened her chest with dread. He was the last thing Barkha wanted to remember right now or the next day or the day after.

Barkha ruffled his soft hair. "Yes, he did." The lie on her tongue rolled off naturally since she had been doing it for years now but it still left her feeling guilty.

Atharva's eyes widened and suddenly she didn't regret it anymore. It was worth every guilt. "Really, when? Why couldn't I talk to him? Did he say when he is coming back, Mumma?"

A lot of questions and answers none. What had life become for Barkha?
Again, she nodded and again she lied. "When you were busy with Uncle Apurva and Adi. Papa would call you later, he promised."

Promises that were never there at the first place because apparently Vardhaan fucking Raichand had forgotten his own son's birthday.
Yeah, now that hurts. Barkha saw Atharva smiling giddily as he rested his head against her chest back again. "Then I will wait for his call."

Barkha gently stroked his hair, staring into the TV as Gojo burst out of a door in Nobara's skirt. Atharva laughed and took all her attention away.

"Mumma loves you, Atharva."

"Just like you love Dad?"

Barkha tensed, hands on his hair freezing for a moment as she stared blankly at her son. Her feelings didn't matter anymore. Vardhaan had said it himself in one of their usual fights.

"Yes," she murmured but her voice didn't sound so convincing. "Just like I love your Dad."

The night had continued without any more 'Vardhaan topics' -thankfully- and some more episodes of JJK and Macarons and Sprinkles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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