OO4 → classes

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*:.. CHAPTER FOUR ..:*


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Not long after, lunchtime ended. I went to my next class which is History of Magic. I had to go alone since Hermione and Xana had a different schedule from me.

The classroom looked very old-fashioned, it would make you think of former students studying here and there. Though, I'm not sure if they're very far from us, always sleepy during class time.

I listened well to Professor Binns' discussion; some (including me) might find him boring but regardless of that, I knew I had to listen to him just so I could pass my classes.

Every time he asked the class a question about the topic, I would answer for him. If no one bothered to listen, then they would not bother to answer.

But to be honest everyone must've found his voice so soothing that they started to shake their heads to refrain from falling asleep; I, myself, find it soothing.

I looked beside to see Pansy drifting to sleep.

About Pansy.. Well, we don't blend well together, she always had to say impulsive about anyone more especially to Hermione. Pansy sticks with Malfoy all the time which didn't help at all. She and her little pals gang up on my friends sometimes.

Professor Binn talked slowly and monotonously, he didn't bother to reprimand anyone so that the discussion wouldn't be interrupted.

After his discussion, He gave the class a soft disappointed smile before dismissing everyone.

I went to my next classes, it was all normal. Normal and BORING. I took down notes, participated in recitations, and slapped my face a couple of times to stay awake.

I wish I could go back in time and didn't have to stay awake until sunrise before school started. Stupid me for overthinking the night before this disaster. My body feels tired from all of the writing and standing up for recitation.

I leaned back in my seat, stretching my legs under my desk. I yawned as I tried to not move my eyes away from the blackboard.







I found myself walking out of class, exhausted mentally and physically.

"Finally FIRST DAY DONE," I shouted even though I was on the verge of crying, everyone who walked past me, looked at me with a weirded-out face. They started aiming their cameras at me. I tried to cover my face with my hair I walked faster away, feeling like I was about to cry.

The lessons are still fresh in my mind. All the lessons I had to learn tried to squeeze into my brain. I can feel a tear run down my face as my blood starts rising up to my cheeks.

I know that I'm overreacting. I thought to myself that I had to adapt these school lessons again. It's all overwhelming to me, I got too comfortable with the summer routine. I know I shouldn't stress about school because it's the first day but I couldn't help but think about what the school year be like for a failure like me.


@ zeeurchin

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