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Regular day,regular morning routine shower,brushing teeth,breakfeast bla bla bla. It's already 6.00 am time to go to good ol starbucks,there are no many people here considering its only 6.15 am.

"Hi good morning I'm Kate,what will you want for today?" I ask

"Hi Kate I will take whatever the beautiful lady suggest" he smile.oh god no I can feel my cheek blush.

"U-uh I suggest green tea latte well that's my favorite" i smile

"Sure I will take that" he smile back,his smile oh my god his smile,wait he looks familiar.

"Okay sure um-"

"It's luke" he says

"Okay luke um it will be 4 dollars"
He hand me the money and went to find empty seat.

After luke get his latte he walk back to his seat.

"Kate!" He called

"Yeah? What's up"

"Sit here with me?" He ask

It's only luke here so,"yeah sure!"

"Can I ask you something?" He says
"Well depends what will you ask me?"
"Can I have your phone number?" He ask,is he crazy? I just met him like 5 minutes ago he can be a psycho killer or something.

"Um we just met like 5 minutes ago,you can be an psycho killer with an axe!" I scoffed.
"Relax,we already knew each other name,if I'm a stranger to you,you wouldn't even know my name" he chuckled.

"Well,okay but I'll give you my number if you give your number too!"

"Okay deal!" We started switching phone number.

"Luke is penguin?" I laughed a his contact name he wrote in my phone.

"What? I love penguin don't judged me" he pout.Damn he's cute when he does that,wait what? Did I just think he's cute.

"Okay okay sorry mr.ilovepenguin" I laughed
"Ha-ha funny I would love to stay here and chat with you but I really have to go" he says

"Okay bye luke" i smile

"Bye Kate it was nice meeting you I'll text you soon!" He wave and walking toward the door

"Okay" i wave back.

Hey guys! I know I'm bad at writing like really really sucks. By the way 500 days of summer inspired me to write this! Watch the movie if u haven't see it
Seriously you have to watch it the ending really really suck guys!

Follow my twitter pls I'll follow you back if u ask me. i really want an internet friend if ur interested just dm me okay:) it's @adindajasmine_

(Sorry if the chapter to short,I suck at this I promise this story will get better)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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