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Warning ⚠️ - sensitive topic ahead. Again I'm warning you... it's really sensitive. If you don't want to read then please don't....

Y/n woke up in the basement room. Somebody must have brought her here. She hugged her knees. She body is still covered with blood.

"Look who's up"
Hoseok touched her hair. She flinched at his touch.

"You're so sensitive. It just turns me on more."
She didn't said anything.

"Speak up b*tch. Use your f*cking mouth or you want me to use it"
Her face turned other side when he slapped her.

"i-i a-am sor-ry"
Tears left her brown eyes.

He touched her lips.

"Kiss me"
He exclaimed.


"Don't you hear what I said"

She nodded her hesd slowly. She pressed her lips against him. She opened her mouth. He entered his tongue inside her mouth. Exploring her. She gasped when he pulled out.

"P-ple-se I c-can't"

He stood up and removed his belt and throwed it on bed.

"Open it"

She shook her head.

He yelled and she opens his pants. Along with his undies. His hard and veiny c0ck sprung out.

"Make use of your sl*tty mouth"
He grabbed her hairs and pushed his c0ck inside her mouth. He started f*cking her mouth. She gagged on his c0ck.

She tried to push him. But he held her hairs tightly.

"F*cking wh0re, still not good at blowj0b"
He moans while f*cking her mouth harder. With each thrust she felt like vomiting. She couldn't take it anymore.

"Aah yeah"
He groan and pushed himself more inside her mouth. His c0ck twitches inside her mouth. She gagged around him.

"F*ck I'm close"
He thrusts harder. With few more thrust he cums inside her mouth. Her mouth was full of his c*m. It made her disgusting.

He commanded. She weakly sallow it. He pats her head. He sat on the chair. He started drinking alcohol.

Y/n falls miserable on the floor. She cried at her fate. Her fate has made a joke out of her. She never did anything wrong to other. Why does she have to rot in this hell.

"you look hot like this"
He stands up and pour the alcohol on her. Her wounds burn after coming in contact with alcohol. But she didn't scream. She laid there like a dead body.

He laughed at her. He looked so drunk he couldn't even stand up. He grabbed the belt and slam it against her skin.

She screamed loudly. She felt helpless. But he didnt stop.

"You want more pain?"
He grabbed her hairs harshly. He left her in floor taking something out from the drawer.

She gasped when she show an injection in his hands.

"P-please stop"
She moved back when he came closer to her.

"I promise I will be gentle"
She felt helpless. He came closer to her. She gathered her strength and slapped him across his face.

"You bloody b*tch"
She pushed him and stood up weakly. She quickly grabbed the alcohol bottle and throwed it on his head. He screamed in pain.

She quickly run outside. He held his head and run behind her. She doesn't care if she looked terrible. She just wants to get away from everything.

She runs downstairs. She almost falls through the stairs but he held her. She looked at him.

"What happen?"
He asked. She yanked his hand and was about to go when he held her wrist .

"I asked you something"
He exclaimed. Her tears left her eyes.

"J-ju-st let m-me go"
She tired to remove her wrist from his hold yet he held it tightly.

"Bl00dy b*tch"
Hoseok yelled from upstairs. Y/n panicked looking at him.

"P-please leave me"
She whispered. Hoseok came downstairs.

"Hyung what happened to your head"
Jungkook asked.

"This b*tch did it"
Y/n shook her head. She felt pathetic. She can't do anything. She screamed when hoseok tried to grab her. She immediately hugged jungkook.

She started crying in his arms. Hoseok grabbed hairs and harshly pulls her away from him. She screamed. She held jungkook hand tightly. Please don't leave me she thought. But he left her hand. She felt a pang in her heart.

He harshly started dragging her upstairs. She cried in his hold. She looked back at him. His dark brown eyes. Those beautiful eyes which once only admired her. She loved him and Its hurting her. She loved him with her whole heart. He promised her that he would never hurt her. He promised that he would always be there when she needs. He promised her that he is going to love her forever. She felt like he finally killed her. She is already dead. He killed her.

She stopped screaming. He throws her on the floor. She stayed emotionless. He kicked her stomach. Yet she didn't scream. He beats her badly.

Her heart was crying. Her heart is aching. This pain is killing her. Her past is hunting her. Those memories are hunting her. Their moments. Their beautiful nights. Those kisses. Those happy moments. They are like chocking her. She couldn't breath.

"You sl*ty wh*re"
He started thrusting inside her roughly. Blood coming out of her vagina. After few minutes he cums inside her. He collapsed besides her.

She laid there. She closed her eyes letting her tears falls. She didn't realize when she fainted. Maybe it's the end of all her suffering. She thought.


"Kookie Look there. That star is you and that is me"
She exclaimed. He looked at the beautiful sky.

"You think so"
He said and she nodded.

"They seem pretty close. You know if you ever miss me and I'm not around you. Just look at those stars and remember me. And if the star twinkle brightly then know that I'm missing you too"
She exclaimed.

"That's so childish"

"No that's not"
He looked at her cutely clinging on his arms.

"okay then"
He kissed her forehead.

"Okay so that's y/n's star and that's kookie's star"
He smiled and embrace her in his arms.

"I feel so safe in your arms"
She mumbled.

"I will always embrace you in my arms whenever you need"

Her body looked dead. Blood scattered on the floor. Flowing through her legs. She couldn't move. She feels like she's about to sleep forever. She smiles. Her suffering is going to end. Her pain is going to end. Her cries are going to end. Her screams are going to end.

"Loving you was biggest mistake of my life"

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