9. 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭

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Inside the dimly lit dorm room, textbooks sprawled across the desk, Jungkook and his friends-Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi-huddled together in a makeshift study group. The air was thick with the scent of highlighters and the low hum of concentration.

Namjoon scratched his head, peering over a particularly complex diagram in his textbook. "This is ridiculous," he muttered, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I swear, if they tested us on practical application rather than theories..."

Hoseok chuckled, flipping through his notes energetically. "Come on, Joonie, you know this stuff. Just think of it as another game you're trying to conquer!"

Yoongi, reclining comfortably on his bed with a notepad in hand, raised an eyebrow skeptically. "I don't know about you, but I'm starting to feel like I'm in a never-ending RPG with all these exams."

Jungkook, furrowing his brows in mock seriousness, nodded in agreement. "Tell me about it. It's like we're grinding for levels, except the boss battles are exams."

Hoseok's eyes lit up with mischief as he leaned forward, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Speaking of games, did you guys hear about the new event in Eldoria?" he exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement.

Namjoon looked up, intrigued despite his initial reluctance to deviate from their study agenda. "What event?"

Hoseok's grin widened as he explained, "It's a competition to find the best duo in the game-like the ultimate gaming partners. We should totally enter, guys!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes playfully, his voice laced with amusement. "Hobi, you know we have exams, right? We can't afford to spend all our time gaming."

Hoseok pouted theatrically, feigning disappointment. "But imagine the glory! The bragging rights! Plus, I heard the rewards are pretty sweet."

Namjoon chuckled, amused by Hoseok's enthusiasm. "As tempting as that sounds, I think we should focus on passing our exams first."

Jungkook, glancing at his laptop screen where his notes were displayed, sighed softly. "Yeah, I don't think I can join this time. Taehyung's been studying hard, and I don't want to distract him."

Hoseok nudged Jungkook playfully, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Oh, come on, Kookie. I'm sure Taehyung wouldn't mind a little gaming break. You guys make such a great team in Eldoria."

Yoongi smirked, adding his own jab. "Yeah, I'm sure he'd appreciate the chance to beat you in a friendly competition for once."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Alright, alright. Maybe I'll consider it if Taehyung agrees. But let's focus on acing these exams first, okay?"

The room erupted into laughter, the tension of exam preparation momentarily lifted by their playful banter. For a moment, the weight of their academic responsibilities seemed lighter, replaced by the camaraderie of friends and the shared excitement of virtual adventures.

As they returned to their studies with renewed determination, Jungkook couldn't help but feel grateful for the support and friendship of his dorm mates. Whether in the real world or the virtual realm of games, they were a team-a team ready to face any challenge together.

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