The Final

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After a while he broke the hug and said, "Now I will not take permission  anymore, since I am forgiven ". He then pulled her into a passionate kiss. After few minute they parted.

He said, "Well, I think you have become too skinny . Are you trying to become a skeleton?"
She laughed and said, "Yeah, I thought you will not come back, so I will marry a korean guy since they Like skinny girls".

Jungkook "I will eat you upp if you ever try to leave me. She bursted out in laughter, and said, "If any me propose me what proof will I show that I have a boyfriend?"

He said," Your pregnancy repont. Let's get married tomorrow and -"

Sara turned Jungkook towards the bed and pushed him to make him fall. Then she put her hands on both side of him and said, " Why to wait for tomorrow. Let's do it today" .

Junglook was really desperate. He pulled her in bed and then-

And then you know what happend. I don't think I need to say anything more. I am very innocent, believe me

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