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Serena's pov

A slap, yes a slap, what I get every single day in the Luna's chambers.
I'm a human slave. And to think that I would never live to witness the day when the supernaturals take over makes me laugh at times. Before that occurrence we humans never believed in such. I was an exception and you may be wondering why. I had to, I was forced to, having romantically erotic dreams with this vampire almost every night forced me to. They were too real for me not to believe them. It got to a point that each time I never had them I felt lonely. At first I thought it was just a teenage hallucination but now I don't know anymore. It drives me crazy, but no one knows about this. Not even Alpha Zayn or Gamma Lorry who are very close to me. They have protected me since when I became their slave. To be honest I have no idea why and this is even the more reason why the Luna hates me. The beta isn't in the picture because I prefer leaving it that way, he rejected me when I was 17 because I was nothing but a weak human slave. Till now we hardly meet and even when we do meet there's an unimaginable tension between us. It's understandable I mean even Zayn and Lorry condemned him for it. He has a mate now, who is a very beautiful werewolf and to be honest I try my best to forget about him sometimes but it seems impossible at times. If you listened carefully earlier on you'd agree I said something about ' the supernaturals ', yes, they are not only werewolves but vampires and witches, though the witches have no power or authority, they chose neutrality over power but but but they're still above us ,humans in the hierarchy book. The Vampires are the top notch, ruling over 5 continents while the werewolves take the rest. You might be wondering why the werewolves take fewer continents than the vampires, but as one of the top maids I came to understand that the vampires contributed much more efficiently than the werewolves. The witches ensured that the rulership be fair no matter what and that's what happened. In fact I'd say the werewolves were not really interested in ruling over us, but I know they were anyway. Zayn's father, the former Alpha was a cunning man, he didn't want to lose to us, which I must admit was a very stupid excuse considering the power, they hold over us. He just didn't want to lose soldiers that was the main reason, he wasn't the only alpha, there was another pack, the Snow moon pack, but immediately after the aupernaturals' victory the new Alpha, Zayn took over the Snow moon pack. The top tier, which is the vampire king is the main deal. He gave the ideas, the plans, the plots, the traps, everything that's why he is known as the Vampire King, there are other vampire kings but we call them Princes. You must be wondering why and how I came to understand all these, to be honest I didn't really have to know all these. But I see all of these as one of my duties, as one of the chief servants I ensured I made a name for myself. Having omegas trample upon me was the end of it. Their constant bullying and mockery and ... Insults were too much, I had to impress the top dogs. And now here I am, the only human girl that has a position for herself, in fact I am higher than all the normal omegas in this pack. I am among the things Alpha Zayn brags about to the other Princes and even the King, who I have never met before. Everyone says he's the most brutal, cold and barbaric king among all of them including Zayn. I haven't had an encounter with him and I don't think I'll ever want to.

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