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Asher's pov

"Your beloved is quite feisty for a queen, you know", I heard Xavier in my mind.

"Watch your tongue brother or I'll pluck it out", I turned to him smiling, "with my fingers".

"Mind Linking again, huh", Zayn slighted his head towards us as his mate left with the other chosens.

"We'd better not interrupt a couple under a full moon", Xavier winked at a werewolf that has been staring at him since only Draco knows when.

"Whatever you mean by that, I don't give a fuck", he smiled.

"Says a blushing dog", I smiled back at him.

"Are you okay tonight Asher", I mean you seem poisoned by a fae fruit, Zayn raised an eyebrow at me.

I felt shocked for a moment but fought out the emotions, wearing my smug face once more.

"I think it's because of the Queen Mother", Xavier lied as he started curropting my mind with his thoughts, mocking me thoroughly.

"Ooh the old mama, huh", he laughed turning to someone behind my head, "aha King have I ever been opportune to show you my most precious slave".

I knew who that slave was, I didn't need to search or do anything, her presence has said it all. The vigorous heart beat and the still air that I've been feeling since the moment I stepped into this building made it all known that I've been blessed. Not to mention the filled and satisfied feeling I get when she's close.

Seems like the queen doesn't need curses to find her king Asher, Xavier mind linked again shutting me out of my thoughts. I turned towards her direction when I recovered from my thoughts and in qué she turned to the other slave she was with, her face tainted by the bright blush on her cheeks, she still turned back to me, perhaps to see my reaction or to keep on staring at my head and so I winked at her, indirectly making her to avoid me.
'But she must taste so good, I mean from her scent, I wonder why you haven't lost control yet', Xavier mind linked again causing a deep growl to escape my lips. Zayn immediately bowed in submission, perhaps thinking he's said something wrong. I couldn't control Marius and that's something that has never happened for years now. I turned towards Xavier and he was staring intently at me, studying me, reading me, seeing how much effort I was using to gain control over my beast, a sly smile grew on his lips as he mindlinked with me.

'I think you should block her mind cause her thoughts make me hard on your behalf', he raised his chin up at her direction and I couldn't help but growl once more.

The other Princes turned towards me as his claws grew prominently on my fingers, my eyes turning darker by the second.
*Marius please let me take control, Xavier is mocking us, that's all, she's ours and no one else, if he makes a move on her I promise I'll let you take control the full moon isn't blessed yet* I thought to Marius as the  rest growled in submission.
My eyes turned normal after a few seconds and then my claws started returning back to nails. After a few minutes, I looked around the eerily quiet hall, searching for her, the cause of all this, the dark angel that knows nothing about herself, the Queen, who as much as I hate to admit, is my own Queen. And finally I met them, those jade eyes, all what I felt before then vanished, the fears and worries and weakness, they all left leaving me the chosen, my beloved. And she really is stubborn, staring at me this whole time when I was about losing control to Marius, she wasn't even bowed low like everyone else did. I left her eyes to Xavier and he was smiling even when in my subjection,' jerk'

"Rise", my darkly tinted voice let out as I took my seat.

My chosen  rushed to satisfy my hunger but I declined their offer.
*she is ours Asher, she is ours* Marius whispered firmly at the back of my head.
*And no one else* I growled back at him.
Rose and Scarlet rushed to us alongside the other beloveds and chosens all looking cautious.

"Hey you okay", Victor released as he plumped down to the seat beside me, the moon isn't blessed yet.

"I'm good, the witches are taking quite a while over there".

"Having only one Fae with them should even take a longer time Asher, try to understand them".


"But Asher, theres a sweet blood here, aren't you smelling it or is that why you lost control", he frowned.

"I don't know, I mean I'm not sensing any sweet taste", I lied.

"Yeah that's right, you're the cursed king, hahaha", he laughed wildly as I snarled at his childish remark, they always find a way to remind me of my previous predicaments.

*Asher, the final process has begun*, I heard Persephone, the Mother witch remind me as I was about speaking.
I watched intently at the moon turning a golden shade of yellow from its previous red. But nothing else was in my mind except Serena all because of the stupid beast in me.
*We want her... need her... mark her* he growled continuously at me.

*She won't survive it with all this hunger in you, so calm down now*. I growled back at him. A flake of thunder was heard, accompanied by a dreadful silence and then it was time for the ball.

"We may eat and drink and merry for we have been blessed, bite, suck, feed, fight, as you all wish", Persephone looked at me as if she has been revealed a secret and when I raised a brow at her she bowed her head in apology and a smile tucks at her lips. The gods must have shown her the blessing they have granted me.

"King Asher before we all go wild, I think you should have a taste of the sweetest blood in our state", Rose stated as I was about leaving to my castle.

"Yes that'd be great, right, Asher?" The fool of a brother winked," I mean this might be the only time you have left to merry for the next couple of months".
I turned to Zayn but his head was bowed slightly, he may not be in support of this, perhaps the impulsive and spoiled girl the gods 'blessed' him with really want us to have a taste of this sweet blood.

"Okay, if you say so Luna", I frowned in suspect as I sat back on my designated seat. She snapped her fingers and immediately, Serena came into view with some servants lurking closely behind her as if she's some kind of goddess but actually she's the queen.
She came with her head hung low and as if she's feeling the static current I was she immediately jerked her head towards me and it seemed like that was when realization hit her.
'That dick is the vampire king... Seriously must all my enemies be the ones in control over me ' she thought causing a wide smirk to grow in my face.
*Thank Draco we blocked her mind out on other supernaturals before this* Marius reminded me before going back to the darkness, he's always been.

She bowed lowly, I'd say she was in fact kneeling before us and when she rose her lips did not part, she did not let out a single word or gasp as she swiftly sliced through her hand, awaking Marius once again. I took control before anyone would have noticed and watched her actions intently.
*Her blood is being served to all of us as a gift from her Queen and she cannot refuse, doesn't she know she is the Queen* Marius persisted about taking control but I immediately shut him out.
'Do you need help with this', Xavier mind linked,' if you think Marius will let this happen then keep fooling yourself '.
I tried controlling the angry beast within me but he seems to be in his own world of anger, and finally he was taking control. Immediately a growl escaped my lips 'Stop these and take her as my slave' I hurriedly hissed at him and rushed out, everyone bowing down at my surfacing beast while Our Queen tried to force herself to bow too.
This is one of the most important ceremonies in our history and the gods chose to surprise me with a girl. Hope she'd be able to survive us cause three had already suffered us severely.

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