More Pain

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Draculaura was staring out the window in her dorm room. Clawdeen went out and Frankie was playing with Watzie

Frankie: Draculaura? are you okay?

Draculaura: No! I Want To See Dad!

Frankie: you know you can't, those bad vampires are out there!

Draculaura: I Don't Care! I Should Be There With Him, But I'm Here Hiding In This Stupid School!

Frankie: Calm Down!

Clawdeen walked through the door which made Draculaura smile and hug her

Draculaura: Your Okay!

Clawdeen: Whoa! I Was Gone For 10 Minutes!

Draculaura nuzzled her cheek against her's

Draculaura: I'm your big sister, it's my job to be protective. was Noka out there?

Clawdeen: you think I'd still be alive if I saw him? he's hiding still, he's been hiding ever since he blew up our house!

Draculaura: well we can still catch him by surprise and kill-

Clawdeen: Are You Crazy? He'll Kill You!

Draculaura: He'll Kill Anybody! He Almost Killed Dad! What If.. what if he goes after you next?

there was silence, Frankie decided to excuse themself to give the sisters some space

Clawdeen: I understand your side

Draculaura: I Don- wait, what?

Clawdeen: I understand your upset and scared, trust me, I am too. But let's think about this, please? it seems some vampires can control you, I fear Noka could too. or he can just kill you the second he sees you. I agree we should kill him, but how?

Draculaura: that's what I'm wondering

Clawdeen: daddy technically put us in charge of the good vampires, so we should do something

Draculaura: and what do you think we should do?

Clawdeen: I don't know. I learned my lesson when I got this scar, we can't fight them on our own. or I fear I'll have to fight you.

Draculaura: yeah, I'd never forgive myself.... Let's just take a few days to rest before we do anything.

the sisters wanted to believe everything would be okay, but they still had their doubts. all the two could do was to say everything was gonna be okay when vampires came to them, wondering what they should do next. for the next couple days, they went to visit their father when they were allowed too. everyone was healing and settling down... until something else happens, which might happen very, very soon.


Draculaura was sleeping in her bed and Clawdeen was gonna sneak up on her. she watched Draculaura sleep for a couple seconds until jumping on her, hugging her

Clawdeen: SISSY!!!

Draculaura: AH!!!!

she glared at Clawdeen who smiled innocently at her

Draculaura: yes?

Clawdeen: sorry but you've been sleeping all day

Draculaura: so?

Clawdeen: so? It's Not The First Time!

she noticed blood on Draculaura's hands

Clawdeen: what happened to your hands?

Draculaura grabbed her blanket and covered herself up again

Draculaura: None Of Your Damn Business!

Clawdeen: Your My Sister, It Is My Business!

Draculaura: I'll Tell You Later, No Go!

Clawdeen: fine, I'm Coming Back At Sunrise!

Draculaura: whatever...

Frankie suddenly burst into the dorm

Frankie: Clawdeen!

Draculaura groaned and covered her face with her pillow

Draculaura: Can't I Sleep For 5 Minutes!?

Clawdeen: what's up Frankie?

Frankie: well first, some news about your dad came up and-

Draculaura jumped out of bed as she grabbed Frankie's shoulders

Draculaura: What Happened?! Is He-?! How-!?

Frankie: Whoa! Calm Down! He's Not Dead! He's Not Better But He's Not Getting Worse!

Draculaura and Clawdeen took a sigh of relief

Frankie: but Clawdeen, Selena and Clawd are waiting outside for you!

Clawdeen: What?! Mom And Clawd? They're Supposed To Be At The Other Side Of The Country! are they in trouble?

Frankie: no, they heard what happened and came back to make sure your okay

Clawdeen: Take Me To Them!

Frankie: Follow Me!

Draculaura watched the two leave. she sighed and went back to her bed to take a nap. Clawdeen ran out of Monster High and hugged her mother and brother.

Clawdeen: MOM, CLAWD!

Clawd: We Missed You!

Clawdeen: Me Too! but what are you two doing here?

Selena: we heard what happened and had to come back. we were so worried about you. but what exactly happened?

Clawdeen looked to the ground, not wanting to say


Draculaura couldn't sleep, so she was at the Creeperteria with Cleo who for once wasn't on her Icoffin and looked at Draculaura, worried

Cleo: are you okay Draculaura?

Draculaura: no... dad's not okay, he's been in the hospital for almost 2 weeks.


Clawdeen: daddy's not getting worse


Draculaura: but he's not getting better

Cleo: well what's gonna happen

Draculaura: I... don't know


Clawdeen: I... don't know

Clawdeen cried and hugged her mother and brother tighter while Draculaura cried and hugged Cleo and rubbed her back, trying to calm her down

Selena: we're very sorry sweetheart.

Clawdeen: there's nothing you can say to change this


Draculaura: Clawdeen says we can't change what happened, but I wish I could.

Cleo: well it was out of your control

Draculaura: I know


Clawdeen sniffled and didn't want to let go of them.

Clawd: what's that?

he pointed to a tree where a vampire was watching them but flew away the second he was seen

Clawdeen: we're being watched, again... I fear something's coming... and we won't be able to stop it...

Raised By Monsters: Sisters To The EndWhere stories live. Discover now