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 CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE "love you to the moon and to saturn"

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"love you to the moon and to saturn"

narrative, instagram, text

FEBRUARY 14th 2023


"diana wake up, something's here for you!" diana heard caitlin yell from across there apartment. as diana got out of bed and walked to the kitchen she saw what caitlin was yelling about. there on the counter was a bouquet of books, diana immediately knew who these books were from, diana had talked about the very same books that were in the bouquet to paige weeks ago, she never really thought paige would have remembered but she did. "who sent this?" diana asked caitlin even know she was pretty positive on who it was from. "i don't know, read the card." caitlin said, caitlin knew who it was from because she was the one who put it together for paige. paige and diana being miles away didn't stop paige from getting the gift to diana.

happy valentine's day, i know you can't have real flowers so i got you the next best option. i hope you haven't bought anything of the books yet because i know it's been weeks since you have talked about them and i know you have a problem on buying books. i love you diana!
~ love paige

as diana read the card she could help but feel so loved by the girl, she had remembered so much about her, more then any ex has. "she's so cute." diana says out loud not really talking to anyone. "she's just in love." caitlin says walking away smiling at the girl.


you are so cute! thank you paige i loved it so much!

anything for you i love you

i love you!

as diana texted her girlfriend all she could do was smile. she was so in love with paige and she knew paige was just as in love with her. "good morning, we brought food." jada says as she and diana's two other best friends walk into the apartment. "ouu this is cute, is it from paige?" gabbie's ask as she sets down her stuff on the counter. "yes, she's so cute." diana says giggling. "she's been giggling all morning." caitlin says as she sits down to eat. "hey i would be too if i had such a thoughtful gift in front of me." jada says as she looks at the gift. "caitlin's just my biggest hater." diana says as she sits down to eat with everyone else.

FEBRUARY 14th 2023


"so when are you and miss diana going to go official on instagram?" kk asked paige as they watched tv eating breakfast. "i don't know, i was thinking about asking her if she wanted to do it later today." paige says looking over at the girl next to her. "ok that would be cute! hard launching on valentine's day." kk says hyped for her friend and her relationship. "you know i've never felt this way for someone, she's just different and i like her because she's her own self you know." paige says thinking about the girl she loves so much.

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