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As the woman's skin continued to glow brighter, the team grew more and more alarmed. They tried everything they could think of to stop the reaction, but nothing seemed to work. In desperation, they turned to James for help. "Captain, we're at a loss. We don't know what else to do," Thomas said.

James considered their options for a moment before speaking. "All right, let's try to isolate her reaction. Can you isolate the compound in the serum that seems to be causing the problem?"

"We can try, sir," replied one of the scientists. "But it might take some time."

As they continued to search for a solution, Alex couldn't help but wonder about the woman's fate. He found himself drawn to her, both fascinated and frightened by her strange abilities. In the back of his mind, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more going on here, something that could change the course of human history if they could only figure it out.

Days turned into weeks, and the woman's condition continued to deteriorate. Her skin glowed brighter and brighter, and her physical strength seemed to be increasing along with it. The team grew more and more concerned for her safety, as well as their own. They knew that they couldn't keep her contained for much longer.

One morning as Alex was walking out the medbay to see the woman, he stood in shock when he saw the woman awake and sitting up on her own. Her skin was no longer glowing, and she looked around with a sense of confusion and disbelief. "Where am I? What happened?" she asked weakly.

The team rushed over to her, with Thomas taking the lead. "Hello, my name is Thomas. You've been through a lot, but you're safe now. We're doing everything we can to help you."

The woman's eyes darted around the room, taking in her surroundings. "I...I remember working on a research project, but everything else is a blur." She looked at Thomas, her expression softening. "And you... you saved me."

Thomas couldn't help but feel a surge of pride hearing those words. He tried to reassure her, "You're going to be fine. We're just going to need some time to figure out what exactly happened to you. Can you tell us your name?"

"oh,I'm Yuki Mozena,I'm a quarian."

"A quarian?" Alex repeated, frowning lost in thought.

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