Chapter Thirty-Four

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Devon's POV

"Hey Kamari I know it's been a while since we talked but I'm coming back to our hometown for a game" I explained to him over the phone.

"That's great Devon when are you coming here?" he asked me. "Well I'm supposed to be leaving tomorrow but I'm coming earlier to see you," I told him.

"Aww that's sweet yeah that would be extraordinary to have you spend some time with me I've missed you seriously," he said in a chipper tone.

"Alright Kamari I have to go put my bags into the car so I will see you later on today," I spoke. "Ok yeah I will see you later Devon," he said before hanging up.

"Let's go Bubba we don't want to be late for our flight," Junior said. Junior suggested that he should spend the night here so we could know that the both of us wouldn't be late.

I grabbed my bags and walked downstairs with Junior walking behind me. Once I had all of my bags in the trunk I got in the passenger side of Juniors' car.

"You ready Loverboy?" he asked me. "Just drive the damn car Junior before we're late," I said throwing his words back at him.

"Alright buckle up your seatbelt because this is about to be a bumpy ride," he told me before zooming out of my driveway like a bat out of hell.

"Junior you better slow this damn car down before yo dumb ass get a ticket," I said as I gripped the handle above my head.

"Bro I love you but you need to take a chill pill, Jesus," he spoke as he laughed. "But hey I know what you're thinking," he said.

"What am I thinking?" I asked him. "You going to convince Kamari to come back with us to LA look I don't want to see you all butt hurt when he says no," he explained.

He was right I would feel some type of way if he said no. But I wouldn't hold a grudge against him for it.

"I will try until he tells me yes he can still have his job if he doesn't want me to take care of him," I said. He took a glance at me before looking back at the road.

"Ight bro if this is who you want to be with I say keep trying he's a good person but he's just in the worst place right now," he told me.

I just nodded my head in approval one thing about Junior he's going to have my back 100 percent even though he's a jackass at times. Oh, but what you didn't know was I asked him to come with me when I got drafted 6 months or so ago.


"Grandma don't be acting like that," Kamari said laughing. "What he is a very attractive young black man," she responded to him.

"Anyways it was nice meeting you Devon and Kamari you better leave this door open and behave yourselves," she told him.

"Omg, Grandma stop it uh," he said in a cute whiney voice. Once she said that I started laughing making him cut his eyes at me.

"What are you laughing at its not funny Devon," he said poking out his bottom lip. He is so damn cute when he pokes his lip out like that.

"Anyways what's up Devon?" he asked me as he crossed his legs on the bed. "So you know I leave for LA next week and I want you to come with me," I spoke all in one sentence.

"Devon I can't do that I have a career going for myself here," he told me. "You can find work in LA I mean if you don't want me to provide for you," I said to him.

"See that's the thing, my ex-boyfriend used to provide for me and I have just established in my mind that I can provide for myself and not depend on anyone." he expressed.

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