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As Alex and Thomas continued their investigation, they found themselves grappling with the weight of their discoveries. They knew that their findings could change the course of history, but they also knew that they needed to proceed with caution. They couldn't afford to make any mistakes, as the stakes were now higher than ever.

"Alex,should we tell Captain about this?" Thomas glanced at Alex waiting for a response.

"I don't know, Thomas. We have to weigh the risks and benefits of doing so. On one hand, Captain would probably be able to help us more with his resources and experience. On the other hand, revealing this information might put us in danger, and we don't want to jeopardize the progress we've made so far." Alex paused for a moment, deep in thought. "Let's keep this between us for now. If we decide to involve the Captain, we'll do it carefully."

Thomas nodded in agreement. "I understand your concerns. But if we do decide to tell him, we should make sure we have solid evidence beforehand. We don't want to risk our lives or the progress we've made by acting recklessly."

As they continued to work, they discovered an encrypted file on Yuki's computer. The file appeared to contain vital information about her research, but they couldn't access it without the key. They decided to take the file with them, hoping that they might find a way to decrypt it later.

"Thomas, have you found anything else that might help us understand what happened here?" Alex asked, glancing around the room.

Thomas shook his head. "Not yet, but I'm still going through her notes. It's possible there might be something else I'm missing." He continued to search through the scattered papers, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Alex paced the floor, deep in thought. "I can't shake the feeling that we're close to something big here. This is a major discovery that could change the world." He stopped in front of the window, gazing out at the moonlit sea.

Thomas nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. It's like we're standing at the edge of a precipice, about to discover the truth behind everything. It's both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time." He paused for a moment, then added, "But we can't let that distract us from our task. We need to focus on decrypting the file and understanding what happened here."

Alex turned back to Thomas, "You're right. We need to stay focused."

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