Apex Predators Have Arrived

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(Yuri POV)
I am currently sitting watching the other examinees' duel. Most of them are mediocre at best, but a few stand out to me as prey to watch out for. Of course, I will have to be the one to initiate a confrontation because no one in their right mind would challenge me, who got in on recommendation of the director alone. I direct my attention to an examinee who seems to be in quite a bind.

Examiner: Alright new guy, multiple choice. You got two monsters staring you down. Do you A: throw in the towel, B: Beg for mercy, or C: Run home to Mama

Applicant: I'll go with D: None of the above.

Then a face-down card on his field flipped up revealing the trap card Ring of Destruction.

Examiner: A trap

Applicant: Exactly, you see with Ring of Destruction I can destroy any monster on the field in attack mode, and then we'll each take damage equal to its attack points.

The Vorse Raider on the examiner's field is destroyed.

Examiner LP's 1900-1900=0

Applicants LP's 3200-1900=1300

Examiner: Clever move applicant, welcome to the academy

Applicant: *Bows* Oh thank you wise proctor

I then heard some Obelisk Blue students complimenting the kid, but it was less his brains and more the proctor's stupidity. He should have expected and played around the fact that the face-down card could have been a trap, I hope not all faculty are this moronic at the academy. I then turn a duelist with a more flamboyant way of taking down his examiner.

Applicant: I believe we're ready for the final act of our duel, and I shall set the stage with my field spell Despia, Theater of the Branded, and this isn't your ordinary stage, no it allows me to fusion summon a level 8 or higher monster, so I fuse Ad Libitum of Despia with Aluber The Jester of Despia to create Despian Quaretis.

Examiner: Well I suppose that is a powerful card, but it still won't be enough to beat me with my Wall of Illusion, and after you attack that monster will be sent back to your fusion deck by my effect.

Applicant: Good yes, every show needs some tension and you are helping provide that thank you, sir...

The air around him grew cold.

Applicant: But most lead roles like to take the spotlight for themself, and my monster can make all monsters except level 8 fusion monsters have zero attack.

Wall of Illusion ATK 1000-1000=0000

Applicant: Now my monster attacks through your wall for game.

Examiner LP's 2100-2500=0

Examiner: Well ain't this batch of kids just an interesting bunch now aren't you, welcome to duel academy young man.

Applicant: *Bows like a performer* No, thank you for allowing me to duel on a bigger stage.

???: Well he seems interesting, can't wait to let my Cat Dancer sink her fangs into that knight of his.

I give this very obviously female voice besides me a glance. Although I'm not one to usually care much about looks, I can't say she's disappointing in that department. Medium-length purple hair with light blue highlights tied up in a ponytail with a very noticeable yellow ribbon, red blazer, black shirt, short red skirt with black shorts underneath.

Yuri: Sure you can handle him, girl

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Yuri: Sure you can handle him, girl. With you being a Slifer and all.

I say with the obvious objective of taunting her.

(Celina POV)

I was currently talking to a grape, a very handsome one at that, but still a grape.

I was currently talking to a grape, a very handsome one at that, but still a grape

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Celina: At least my clothes don't make me look like a talking grape.

I see his mood sour, so I keep up the pressure, he's the one that pointed out my uniform, it's not my fault Dad was only going to let me attend if I started as a Slifer after all.

Celina: Maybe they should have made your uniform green seeing as you're obviously the sour kind.

Grape: At least I don't turn into an apple whenever someone makes a passing remark.

Celina: Just 'cause you wear a cool color doesn't mean that you yourself are cool.

We are then brought out of our argument by the entire stadium talking about something on the field. I look and I see a brown-haired kid beat a man? Woman? An instructor that was apparently revered by most of the Obelisk Blues judging by their reactions.

Brown-Haired Kid: We're in, we did it!

I take a mental note to pay attention to him before leaving to get ready to move tomorrow.

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