Silent Pain

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Noelle to Notepad TF/TG

Noelle was a 20 year old quiet girl who wanted to stay away from others. She's often quite motionless, barely moving at all.

But, if she has to, she will defend her best friend, Sheila, from others who dared to try and harm you. She is also very fast too.

Noelle really liked Sheila a lot and cared for her. They had met when they were very little, since kindergarten. She never wanted anything bad to happen to her.

But tonight, her wish would come true, in the worst way possible.

Noelle was walking to her home, thinking of Sheila all the way down.

"...Sheila...why do I always think of her? I like her in...that way?..." Noelle muttered under he breath.

She blushed slightly without noticing, and continues to walk to try and get her mind off of Sheila. She then managed to reach her house.

She reached out to open her door, but then she felt herself getting grabbed by something. She screamed in surprised and thrashed around as they picked her up.

"Well hello there!!!" Animatic happily greeted as he FUCKING BIT INTO HER ARM.

Noelle screamed in pain as Animatic dragged her away, and now the changes were beginning.

Noplle felt her arms thinning out as they were turning a darker color. As her arms were now like sticks and all pitch black, her legs would suffer the same fate.

Notpale felt her body basically shifting shape rapidly into something she can barely recognize. She wanted to scream for help, but her face basically dissapeared.

As Notepade felt her body change into a notepad, she felt her womanhood shrivel up into nothingness. Even though she was genderless, she felt like a HE. He then drew himself a face, 2 eyes with one of them longer than the other, and a line for a mouth.

And now Notepad was complete, just without the mind change. As Animatic dropped him and tried to take him with him to the Animatic Battle world, Notepad literally bitch slapped him.

Animatic hissed in pain while he stumbled back a bit. He looked again to see that Notepad had ran off somewhere, so he went off to look for him.


Oliver to Oils Paint TF/TG/MC

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