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I sit at my desk, fidgeting with my letter directed towards the best person in my life. Feeling wearing about the next few moments of my life. I cant help but pump myself up for this. 'okay Drake. this decides it all, i will do it.' I get up from my desk, straightening my skirt and walk up to him.. My heart is in my throat and our eyes lock.

"Uh.. hey, Kendrick?" I cannot bare to be in this room with him. I put my head down, this lump in my throat wont go away. The ball is just next week. I need him.. " Oh hey Drake, wsp?" That dreamy voice. One could only imagine to have a voice like that.. "I..I was just wondering if you. You Kendrick lamar would wanna go to the.. well excuse this stupid joke.. to laball..? With me..?" I look up and hand my letter of two tickets to the ball..

Suddenly I feel a finger guide my face into a creation of wonders, I wonder what he'll say... "Yes... I'll go to.. Laball with you..." Im smiling cheek to cheek, I lean in, connecting the gap between our faces.

We disconnect, i felt like that was ages... "Hey Drake.. remember what you said..?" "Huh? What did i say.?" "Well.. Diss me Diss me now you gotta kiss me" I giggle and look up at Kendrick-san. "Well... pucker up boy"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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