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 CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR "what a shame she's fucked in the head"

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"what a shame she's fucked in the head"

text and narrative

FEBRUARY 15th 2023


paige couldn't believe what she was reading, she had read over the texts with luke a hundred times by now. she didn't want to believe what she was reading, it all looked so real. paige hadn't talked to diana since before practice yesterday, she just couldn't face her. "paige you have to talk to her." nika says to paige as she is laying in the girls bed with her. paige had been there since after practice, she felt like she couldn't move. practice was shit for paige, the only thing in her head was the messages with luke.

FEBRUARY 14th 2023

diana is cheating on you and i have proof.

ok show me



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lukemichael32 these were taken of me and diana two weeks ago, sorry i had to break this news to you paige

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these were taken of me and diana two weeks ago, sorry i had to break this news to you paige. couldn't let her get away with this, ik you're a good person and deserve better.

thanks for telling me

for sure, what a shame she's so fucked in the head that she ruined two good relationships😕

first, don't talk about her like that and second what do you mean ruined two good relationship because ik you fucked up.

yes ik i fucked up but her first relationship she was in was with this girl who was her best friends ex and yet she still cheated on her with the best friend. she's not a good person paige.

FEBRUARY 15th 2023

"i can't talk to her nika, it just hurts to bad to even think about her." paige says with tears running down her face. paige hadn't stopped crying in hours. "what if luke is lying, i mean you and i both know that luke just wants diana. so what if these pictures are old and he's just saying that so you two can break up so he can have diana." nika says trying to think of a reason for this mess. "i don't know nika." paige says stubbornly. "ok whatever" nika says walking out of the room rolling her eyes, paige knew nika was right but she just couldn't do it, so she did the only thing she could think of.

FEBRUARY 15th 2023


diana was more confused then ever, paige hadn't talked to her in hours. usually paige would be texting her every minute but now it was nothing. diana had been texting paige but she wasn't getting a response so she decided to give it a rest and maybe paige was just not feeling well and would text her back soon.

"hey diana" jada says as her and the rest of the group walk into her apartment. "hey guys" diana replies back, not looking up from her phone, waiting for that text from paige. "what's wrong?" kate question immediately picking up on diana's mood. "it's paige, she hasn't texted me since yesterday. i don't know what's wrong, im worried." "maybe she's just not feeling well and is sleeping and not checking her phone." gabbie says trying to not worry the girl and have a explanation on why her girlfriend hasn't responded to her. "yea maybe." diana says in a low tone not wanting to think about it anymore. "hey what if i make brownies and popcorn and we have a movie night, we haven't had on in a long time." caitlin suggests, caitlin was a good cook and baker. it was almost like she was good at everything, something that made diana mad, jealous even but she loved caitlin and all her talents.

"yea that's a good idea, i'll go get everything set up in the movie room." diana says excitedly. the movie room was a extra room in the apartment that the two girls had put a projector, beanbags, and a very comfortable couch in. that room was diana's favorite, she always felt so comfortable in there because she was always with the people she loved the most.

"hey diana, paige texted you!" diana hears jada yell from the living room. diana ran as fast as she could to get to the phone, she was missing paige a lot. when diana read the text from paige she immediately started to cry.

"hey what's wrong, what happened?" kate questioned as she immediately ran to the crying girls side. the other girls stopped what they were doing and went to the girls side too. "she broke up with me." diana sobbed as she fell into kate's arms.

hey y'all....
don't be mad at me!!!! it was a mistake i promise!
anyways enjoy

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