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CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE"were two words apart"

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"were two words apart"

narrative and text

FEBRUARY 15th 2023

paige did it, she broke up with the one person she had ever loved. paige thought she was doing the right thing for her, she couldn't believe diana would cheat on her but there was proof so obviously it was true. paige didn't know what to do with herself, it felt like all she could do was look at the picture of her and diana on her wall and cry, it was the only thing that felt right.

when paige broke up with diana she didn't tell her why, she just said that they needed to break up. paige knew that probably wasn't fair to diana but what diana did to her wasn't fair.


are you ok?


what's wrong, why aren't you answering

diana i think we need to break up. we are just two worlds apart.

FEBRUARY 18th 2023

the past few days all paige has done was rot in her bed and look at pictures of her and diana. paige knew she shouldn't do that but it wasn't like she had anything better to do. paige wondered how diana was, paige figured she was fine since she cheated on her and left her on read. it felt like diana was happy to get rid of paige, like paige was holding her back.

"get up." azzi said as she walked into the girls room. "no" "yes, get up and go shower. you smell like shit." "azzi i'm not getting up, not yet. i just need more time." paige says turning to her side to face the wall. "paige, i know you are butt hurt but you need to get up." azzi says as she pulls the covers off of paige and pulls her to sit up. "azzi im not butt hurt, i'm actually hurt. my girlfriend who i thought loved me cheated on me with the dick who forgot her birthday. i have every right to be upset. now leave me alone." paige says almost yelling. paige just wanted to be alone and all of her team mates trying to get her up wasn't helping.

"fine be that way but just so you know diana shit right now too. i mean you broke up with the girl for no reason and don't say she cheated on you because you and i both know that shit luke told you isn't true. maybe you just wanted it to be true so you could get out of the relationship with her and not blame yourself for ruining it." azzi yells at the girl not taking the attitude she got lightly.

"get out." paige yells back not wanting azzi to talk any longer. deep down paige knew azzi was right but paige didn't want to believe it, paige wanted to believe what she thought and not the truth of the matter.

FEBRUARY 20th 2023

it had been five days since the break up and paige still hasn't moved from her bed, she would get up to grab food, use the restroom, and shower but that was it. it felt like paige's days were moving slower then they ever had. usually paige would enjoy her days moving slow, she would get to cherish the moment she was living in but the moment she was in was not one she wanted to cherish.

"hey p boogers." kk says as she walks into the girls room. the team was almost scared to go into the girls room, every time someone would go in there they would get yelled at to leave so they just left the girl alone. however kk was over it, she wanted to talk to her friend and she didn't care if she got yelled at, kk knew that paige wouldn't have it in her to yell at her.

"i brought you snacks." kk says as she got no answer to what she had said when she walked in. "thanks" "of course, anything for my p boogers." kk says happily that she got a reply. "so i don't want to pressure you but we have practice tomorrow and i think you should go if you are feeling up to it. luckily we had time off so you didn't miss any practices." kk says lightly not wanting to push the girls buttons. "yea im going to go." paige said dryly. "great!"kk says happily.

"again i don't want to pressure you but do you want to talk about it, i mean i don't think anyone has asked if you want to talk about it, they all just tried to get you out of bed. if you don't want to talk about it tho we don't have to. i just thought i would ask." kk says almost scared to say the wrong thing to the girl.

"i mean, i'm just hurt kk, i just can't believe that she would ever do that to me. like i thought we loved each other. i think i'm just in so much shock, more shocked then i am upset." paige said getting her real feelings out for the first time since the break up. "i understand what you mean. i'm just as shocked as you are and i don't want to over step but have you talked to her since you sent the text?" kk questioned her friend. "no i haven't even been on my phone. after i sent her that text i turned it off, i just needed a break." "again not trying to overstep but maybe you should turn it back on." kk says before walking out of the room so paige couldn't yell at her.

after kk left paige thought long and hard about what she said and decided to turn her phone on just to start getting her life back together. what paige didn't expect to see was almost hundreds of text from diana and her friends proving that diana hasn't cheated a day in her life.

heyyy y'all
i couldn't leave yall hanging so i had to get this chapter out!! plus my stomach hurts so bad to the point where i can't sleep so i thought what better to do then write for yall!!
also there might be mess ups because it's so late but just don't mind those! i'll fix them later!
anyways enjoy

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