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CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX "please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh i could recognize anywhere"

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"please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh i could recognize anywhere"

narrative and text

FEBRUARY 15th 2023


diana couldn't believe it, why would paige break up with her so randomly. when diana read that text from paige, she felt her whole world stop. paige was diana's world and now paige had left her. diana was more then confused she knew she didn't do anything to make paige that upset to the point she would break up with her, it all felt weird. diana was crushed, she spent the rest of the day in her friends arms, sobbing. crying felt like the only thing the girl could do.

"why would she do this to me?" diana said to her friends, which seemed to be the hundred time she had said that, but her friends didn't mind they just wanted to be there for the girl and help her in anyway possible. "i know hun, i know" jada says trying to comfort the girl that was breaking down in her arms. "has she answered yet?" caitlin asked. diana had texted paige a million times after she sent the break up text but diana didn't get a answer. "no she hasn't." kate replies for the girl, knowing she won't be able to form a sentence through her sobs.

"come on let's get you to sleep" gabbie says grabbing the girl and taking her into her room to help her get ready for bed.

as gabbie took care of diana the three other girls were in the living room talking about what could have happened for paige to break the girls heart like that. "i literally told her not to hurt her and what does she do? hurt her, god this makes me so mad" kate says frustrated. "wait caitlin do you have azzi phone number? maybe we can text her and ask what happened. she got to know i mean her and paige are best friends." jada says think of a way to figured out what happened. "i'll text her"


hey azzi, i know we haven't talked in a long time but i need to know why paige broke up with diana. diana's a mess, she asked paige why but paige hasn't answered her so if there's anyway you could tell me that would be helpful.

alright so paige got a dm from luke says that diana cheated on paige with him and that she cheated on her first gf, paige is kind of not talking to anyone atm so that's what i got from nika. everyone except paige doesn't believe it and thinks luke's just lying but idk.

there no way diana cheated on paige, diana barely leaves the apartment and when she does she's with me so ik diana hasn't been seeing luke and diana didn't cheat on her first gf, the girl cheated on diana with one of her friends. listen  ik paige thinks what she wants to think but please for the love of god try and talk to her about this. also do you think you could send me what luke said.

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