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Requested by Athena2083

*Taylors pov*

We're in Tokyo this weekend. It's night 3. I'm ready to be done with this weekend so I can fly back to the USA and go to Super Bowl. We're in the folklore era. I finish singing the 1 and start walking down the roof when my foot gets caught on the bottom of my dress and I  lose my balance. I can tell it's over and I won't be able to catch myself. Then I hit the floor. Fuck. It hurts so bad. I hear screams and can hear people talking to me but can't make out who the voices belong to. "Taylor are you ok!" I hear. No person I am not. "Taylor don't move." I don't have a choice. "Move the paramedics are coming." That sounds like Paul. I like Paul "Taylor I'm gonna call Travis." Yes call him. I want my teddy bear. I feel something put around my neck and start drifting off into unconsciousness.

*Travis' pov*

We're in Vegas getting ready for Super Bowl. "Go get a drink be back in 5 minutes." Coach says. We go to the locker room and I go over to the locker I claimed and grab my phone to text Tay and see how the shows going if I get her on a changing time. Instead I have multiple missed calls from Tree, Scott, Andrea, Austin and Brittany. My heart sinks. I check my texts and see one from Britt that says to call Tree ASAP. I call her back. "Tree what's going on?" I ask my heart racing.

"It's Taylor she fell off the cabin." Tree says. "Is she ok?!" I ask. "She's in the hospital. She has a concussion and hasn't been able to open her eyes since it happened it was bad Travis we couldn't do anything but watch." Tree says. "Get me a jet I'm going." I say and hang up. I tell Coach and he lets me leave.

*Taylors pov*

Oh god my head  my body everything hurts so bad. "Turn off the lights." I hear. My eyes open a tiny bit and I see dad and Tree there. "Daddy." I say. "Hey bug. You scared us." He says kissing my head. "The fans." I say. "Tonight's show and tomorrow's show is getting moved to after the Singapore shows." Tree says. "I want Trav." I say. "He's coming." Dad says. "It wasn't pretty." Tree says. "I know I tried to stop myself and I just couldn't." I say. After a while I'm starting to fall asleep when I hear a familiar voice.

"Is she ok?" "Trav?"" I say. "Hey baby girl." He says stroking my hair. "I hurt." I say. "I know baby girl. It was quite a scare to see multiple missed calls. I'm just glad you're ok." He says kissing my head. The doctor comes in. "Nice to see you awake." He says. Trav and dad help me turn on my side so the doctor can check my bruises. I choke back a sob cause moving hurts. "It's hurting her is there any easier way?" Tree says. "We can have her lay on her stomach and put ice packs on her back." He says. Trav moves me slowly onto my stomach.

I cry cause it hurts so fucking bad. I can't do the pain. Trav holds me. "It's okay baby girl. You'll be ok." He says. The doctor places the ice packs on my back and it takes away the pain a bit. My eyes start closing. "Go to bed baby girl. I'll be here." He says as I slowly fall asleep.

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