Secret Study Sessions

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Yeonjun sat at a table in his university's library, starring off into a dim corner as he waited for his tutor. The pen between his fingers flicked up and then back down onto the thick stack of papers below it with a faint thud, continuing in reoccurring increments as his mind wondered.

His tutor...

He was recently confused by that label he had for Choi Soobin as it didn't seem fitting anymore, yet referring to him as anything else also felt foreign. His tongue habitually jutted the inner corner of his mouth as he thought back to the past few months.

At the beginning of the semester when Yeonjun was struggling with his classes his mother had found Choi Soobin as a tutor for him of which he couldn't quite believe, and, to say the least, was not at all ecstatic about. Never mind the fact he was being tutored by someone younger, Soobin was known, for being highly intelligent yes, but also for being irreparably cold in nature. At least that is what people around campus always said: 'a godly handsome face, with an unfortunate personality' was often how he was referred. Still his mother argued that he was the best choice, having started college early and already taken advanced classes, Soobin already knew all the content that Yeonjun was struggling with, so he heedfully agreed.

After a few months of tutoring he regretted having even the slightest bias against Choi Soobin. He definitely was cold, that was a fact that was unable to be denied, however, he wasn't mean or fully void of emotions. He always explained things to Yeonjun in a way that was easy to follow, and in a way that was free from any condescension, and when Yeonjun would finally catch on or get a majority of the questions right Soobin would quickly and quietly  praise him with a small pat on the top of his head.

Yeonjun wasn't sure if it was those pats that started it all. Maybe it was them, or the way that when a rare smile met Soobin's expression a pair of prominent dimples would form at his cheeks, giving his, admittedly godly handsome face, a softer almost adorable appearance. Or maybe it was simply the attention, but Yeonjun was sure of one thing: his feelings had changed.

He was no longer wary or disinterested in Soobin, but quite oppositely, had a growing sense of adoration for the younger male. To call it a crush was understating; he had had crushed before, but these feelings felt a lot more real. He couldn't quite rationalize it in his mind, telling himself it was too early to say he was in love with Soobin, but he wasn't at all hesitant to referring to him as his first love.  At least in his own mind.

And that's where he thought it would all stay: in his own mind. Until recently where he felt Soobin may have been showing a bit more affection toward him. As much more as he could muster at least. His small, subtle praises coming up more often, and his touches lingering longer, moving to things like sitting with their shoulders together, or letting his hand rest on yeonjun's as he explained to him.

Yeonjun had convinced himself it was normal. Yes, maybe they were getting a bit closer, but that didn't mean Soobin liked him. He told himself it must have been his own feelings that were confusing him into seeing things that weren't really there. That is until about two weeks ago.


"I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here." Yeonjun frowned as he looked at the equation in front of him.

He and Soobin were at their usual table in the back of the library, as to not disturb anyone, however they didn't have to worry much about that now since it was growing quite late and the library was practically empty already.

Soobin leaned over to look closer at his paper. "You forgot to carry this number over, start from here again and retry." As he pointed to the place in the paper his hand brushed against Yeonjun's, causing the older to look back up at him.

Secret Study Sessions ( Soojun / Yeonbin )Where stories live. Discover now