𐀔Chapter 7𐀔

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I woke up this morning, I'm exhausted from last nights work. I 𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗲 humanrecipe books, but Lazura hates them more.. Oh, did I ask Y/N how the interview went last night? no, I forgot. Of course.. I got up and stretched, as I walked to Y/N's room, by the looks of it, it's about 10:30 ish in the morning, so they must be up. I knock on their door to see if I were right, " come in " I was. I open the door to see them at their desk, their mirror had mini lights all around it, giving her enough light to do makeup, why are they putting on makeup this early? I ignore it as I walk in and sit on the corner of her bed behind her " I forgot to ask, my apologies, but I was meaning to ask, how did your interview go last night? " I ask, as they apply eyeliner " Leon said that he'll review with what information he acquired from me last night, and that he'll let me know " they say, they sound tired honestly " sounds good, all prayers to you getting the job " I reply. " May I also ask, why are you putting makeup on? it is only 10:30 in the morning dear " I raise an eyebrow " it's 9:30, to be precise, good estimate, but I just put makeup on to look good, make tiktoks, take pictures, yata yata " they explain to me, as I nod, not really understanding, but I don't want to listen to them ramble, I hate when people ramble.


I then notice Y/N pull out a cylinder shaped object from their desk, it was red, an import on the bottom, a glass part with what looked like lighter syrup in it, and a mouth part on the top. I was curious " hey Y/N, what's that? " I ask " oh this? this is just my dab pen " they reply, which got me confused now " 'dab pen'? " " sorry, you might not have had these when you were, I'm not being rude, but alive. It's a weed pen, you can screw off the lid and add liquidity weed into the glass part and screw it back on, or you screw off the glass part too and just get a new glass part with it filled. Or you could just buy disposable ones " they explain, they were making it sound like I was a little kid getting 'the talk', but I ignored it and nodded in understanding " ah alright, back then we only had straight up weed and had to roll it up in leaves. " I say, showing off how resourceful and cool I sound, as they chuckle at me " the old ways even better than how they are now, it's just more quick and simple now " they say, hitting a blinker, inhaling it and exhaling, doing it three times in a row, before they started coughing, like a wheeze but including a cough, which caught a laugh, kind a snort from me. They soon calmed down and went back to finishing up their makeup. As time went by, about twenty minutes atleast, their eyes were becoming less and less open, as they couldn't stop smiling, the affects of the weed are kicking in.


they finally finish their makeup and turn to me, as I smile in awe " you look stunning Y/N " they smile at me " thank you rose, I do my best to keep it that way " they say with a chuckle, they didn't mean it rudely coming from their tone and expressions, they just meant that their doing their best to keep themselves looking good at any hour.


" So, what are we going to do today? I don't have anything planned, so maybe we could go out to a park, restaurant, maybe a mall- wait.. yall are angels, you can't be seen out in broad daylight without someone screaming Bloody Mary, seeing an angel just waltzing around. " I sigh " me and dear Lazura still can go out, we have human forms! " rose says with a smile, as she stand up, white mist forming around her, not letting me see rose. After a few seconds, it disappears and rose is suddenly human! Her wings are gone, she's  wearing dark pinkish purplish sweatpants with a black shirt with a gothic logo on the front and back, no shoes still.. but the rings on her head are gone, all there is a smile and beautiful brown eyes with glimmer in them. her hairs puffed a bit and shorter, as she looks like a cool emo-ish looking popular girl in high school, which is certainly a compliment. " woah.. " I say, not knowing really what to say, she giggles and looks down at herself, wow, human clothes are so comfy! gosh I should turn into my human form more often " " or you could get clothes like that, so you don't have to wear the bright, guardian angel dress all the time? " I say, knowing where this is going, she gasps with a smile " we can go to the mall!! " she says excitedly, as she runs out the room " Oh dear Lazuraa~ turn into your human form! We're going to the mall!!!! " I could hear her shout down the hall and into the living room where Lazura and rose slept " wha-? " I could also hear Lazura say tiredly " we're going to the mall!!!! " rose repeats " we're never gonna see lasagna?! " Lazura exclaims, must be too tired to hear rose clearly, I let them go back and forth while I got some clothes on myself, other than my sleepwear. I found a pair of ripped denim shorts(if your a male, then plain black jeans) and a slightly-baggy black hoodie with black converse. I check myself out in the mirror, and the outfit fits together perfectly!! I look so good!! Let's go see what rose and Lazura are doing right now, I really hope they're not doing something stupid.

I walk down the hall and saw rose clapping for some random reason before seeing Lazura in her human form. She had on grey sweatpants with a plain, bit-baggy black shirt with grey shoes, and to my surprise, she had glasses on, I thought I'd never see her with glasses one day. " wow Lazura, you and rose both look amazing in your human form. " I compliment as Lazura smiles, something I barely get. " thank you Y/N "  " your wel- wait what? Did you call me by my name? " I ask " yeah, what's wrong, did you change your name?? " she asks back, confused " no no, it's just-.. I've never seen you so happy towards me, nor have I ever heard you call me by my name, you always call me 'mortal' " I explain, as she giggles, " oh no dear, these human forms are just our younger self's before heaven, I was very happy and delightful if I must say " " then what happened? " I ask " the job I have in heaven is important, so I must stay serious and such all the time, but with no duty since I'm in this form, I'm relaxed from all the stress, you know? " Lazura explained "relatable. " I say back.

" okay girls, who's ready to go shopping?? " I say with a smile " we are!! " the two cheer me on with smiles, making me smile.

1280 WORDS!!

I'm really bored and wanted to write more, sorry this chapters boring and only detailed only on a few minutes of a morning, I just really enjoyed it and wanted to make it, and I also have no choice, I have to keep yall fed.

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