O6 I've Been Up All Night

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We piled into Peter's car, the three of us still riding the high of adrenaline. Seeing Daniel so pissed while people sang my song that I wrote about him was the most satisfied I'd been since the break up.

"I wish I had a picture of his face," I said between laughs. "I'd get shirts made."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Cherry popped in between the seats, holding out her phone as a video played on it.

We watched as Daniel went from talking to some poor girl, to hearing the opening of my song. His face changed quicker than a Salvatore brother smelling blood. He was practically foaming at the mouth when people started singing along.

"Please send that to me," I told her. And he called me sensitive. Who knew a simple song could upset him so much?

"Will do," Cherry assured me. "Oh, did you find your song book?"

I let out a sigh, falling against the seat. "No. Either he threw it out or he isn't the one who has it."

"I still have faith it'll show up," Peter said shooting me a confident smile. I almost believed him. But we were out of suspects. "So, home, then?"

After being inside for a week, going back there was the last thing I wanted. I picked up Peter's wrist to see the time. It was almost ten. Way too early to be home on a Friday. "Let's go to the spot."

Peter's brow furrowed. "The spot?"


Cloud Creamery stayed open late during the summer, so the parking lot was full of cars when we arrived. We parked in the back and climbed the ladder the was bolted onto the side.

Peter, ever the gentleman, waited on the ground until Cherry and I made it to the top so he wouldn't accidentally look under our skirts. He finally made it up, bag of snacks in hand, when we remembered there were only two chairs.

"You take it," Peter said. "I'll sit on the ground."

Cherry turned on her phone's flashlight. Highlighting all the bird crap. "You sure about that?"

Peter grimaced at the sight.

"I'll share with Cherry." She moved over, giving me a little room. I immediately hopped up as soon as I sat down. "Why are you wet?"

"I took a swim." She shrugged.

"I can just stand." He started to get up from the chair. I placed a hand on his shoulder to push him back down.

"Relax, Conway. I don't bite." The chair was just wide enough for each of us to have a single buttcheek on the seat. It wasn't the most comfortable, but it'll do.

"That is a lie," Cherry said. "Remember Jonas?"

"Yeah, I remember that!" Peter chimed in. "Didn't you bite him because he wouldn't get off the slide in third grade?"

"He was holding up the line. I did everyone a favor."

Peter dumped the bag of snacks onto the table for us to pick through there was a family sized bag of chips and a two liter of soda. Cherry offered to go down to Cloud Creamery to get cups and a couple bowls that were meant for ice cream for the chips.

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