Chapter Thirteen

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When she woke up, she was lying in bed in Dane's arms. She began to recall the last few hours. She had sex with Dane, and it was the most mind-blowing experience she ever had! She looked up to see Dane staring down at her.” I thought you were asleep?” Trudy asked.
“Yes, I was, but I woke up several minutes ago. I didn't want to wake you, so I decided to watch you sleep.” she smiled at him. “I need to go check on Lisa.”  She said as she sprung up from his arms. “Hey babes, relax. I checked on her about an hour ago. After you fell asleep in the tub, and I took you to bed. She was a bit drunk but sober enough to warn me about disturbing her beauty sleep.”
She laughed. "That sounds like Lisa."
She relaxed back into his arms. The room was silent until he spoke “So are we going to talk about this?” “About what?”
Her heart raced, knowing she had an idea of where the conversation was headed. “Why did you deny being a virgin?”
she bit her lips and sighed before responding “I told you; my personal life doesn't concern anyone.” “Well, it kind of does. What about the axe man bullshit?”
“Really Dane? What was I to say? Oh, I am a virgin, and the axe man is also after me? I am not even sure I believe that part of the story. Besides, Tina never mentioned it.” “Yeah, you’re right, but it just seems like such a coincidence. I mean you’re a virgin, and Lisa is his descendant. It would make perfect sense why he is hunting us. The rest of us are just pawns.” She eased up from his chest and stared at him in disbelief. “So, you’re basically saying I am a part of the reason why the axe man is here? And why my friends are dead?”
Before Dane could answer, she quickly got out of bed and started to get dressed “Please Trudy, I didn't mean it like that! Let me explain!” She ignored his plea as she finished the last button on her top and then headed towards the door. “I need some space; I am going to check on Lisa.” She glanced up at the time and saw that it was 4am before she dashed through the door. She felt upset at Dane for his accusations. There was no way the axe man was after her because she was a virgin. It was ludicrous, and the fact that Dane believed it made her blood boil with rage.

We just had amazing sex for God’s sake, and he just had to ruin the mood! I wanted him so bad so he could be back inside of me, but he pissed me off!

Trudy knocked on Lisa's door, and at the second knock, she answered. Trudy eyes widened with fear when she saw what Lisa was pointing in her face. “A gun? What the hell?!” Lisa lowered the gun and quickly ushered her inside. “Sorry Trudy, but I am not taking any chances.” “Where did you get that? And is that a silencer attached to it?”. Lisa nodded at her second question. The shock in Trudy’s eyes began to disappear as she walked over to the couch and sat down. Her eyes darted to the several empty beer bottles on the table. “Are you even sober enough to be holding that thing?” Trudy asked.
Lisa joined her on the couch as she rested the gun on the table, knocking over a few empty bottles. “We...” Lisa began. “We?" Trudy interjected. “Yes, Dane and I went to the gun store while you were asleep. The store is two minutes away. We didn't want to take any chances. It was his idea..." Trudy shifted uncomfortably on the couch as she stared at the gun. “He really cares about you, Trudy.” She added.
Trudy rolled her eyes and changed the conversation. “So how are you holding up otherwise?” “Not good, but life goes on, right?” She spoke as if she was trying to convince herself as sorrow filled her eyes. Trudy gave her a brief hug. “We will get through this.” They talked for a few minutes until Trudy rose to her feet and then bid her good night. As soon as she opened the door, her mouth dropped open in shock. She felt her body go numb, and it was as if the air in her lungs stopped moving. Standing right in front of her was the axe man! Before she could scream, he pushed her inside and closed the door. Everything happened so fast. Lisa grabbed her gun and was about to pull the trigger, but the axe man used the back of his axe to slap her across her face. The gun dropped from her hands and slid across the room. Lisa's body fell unconscious to the floor as blood ran down her face.
“Oh my god, Lisa!” Trudy shrieked, but her attention was short-lived because the axe man was now mere inches away from her. As he inched closer, she threw punches and kicks at him, but he barely flinched. He pushed her back hard against the wall, sending a jolt of vibration through her body. She trembled in fear as he held a firm grip on her. She forced herself to look up in his face that was covered with a black ski mask, but she could see the evil in his black beady eyes.
He then used the axe to slowly lift her skirt. “Please! No—" Trudy pleaded, but he ignored her. She could feel the nausea building up inside as only the smell of death and blood filled her lungs. Her body tensed as he traced the axe between her inner thighs and the feel of the cold metal rubbing against her underwear, making her sick to her stomach even more.
He removed the axe and began tracing her chest with the sharp blade. Trudy stood motionless, fearing that even her own breathing would cause the blade to slice her skin. She watched as he used the axe to cut open each buttonhole, exposing her breasts. He ran the side of the axe on her nipples and disgust filled her breath. As his head inched closer to her face, she closed her eyes as she shuddered in fear.
"WHAM!!"  she jolted her eyes open in surprise, at the sound of the impact. She saw Dane holding a crowbar in his hand, with specs of blood on the tip. He had landed a powerful blow to the axe man’s head that caused him to stagger slightly, releasing his grip on Trudy. “Trudy! Get Lisa and go now!” Dane bellowed as he prepared himself for his attacker. She quickly ran to Lisa’s unconscious body and felt for a pulse. She breathed a sigh of relief as she tried to nudge Lisa awake.
Meanwhile, Dane wrestled hard with the axe man. They each were dodging and giving blows.
When the axe man finally succeeded in pinning Dane to the floor, he held up the axe, readying himself for the strike. But before he could, Dane wrenched a knife between his ribs and twisted it in deep. The axe man growled, and Dane used another of his knives to stab him in his neck. The grip on his axe loosened in his hand. Dane grabbed hold of his hand and attempted to pry the axe from it. They ended up wrestling again on the floor until they were both standing again to their feet. Despite the knives protruding from Daymon’s neck and side, he remained resilient. As the axe man raised his axe and stepped closer to Dane, he was slowed down by bullets pelting his body. Dane revealed a gun that he took from his waist and aimed most of the bullets at his left arm and shoulder that held the axe. By the time he ran out of bullets, the axe man was a few inches away, and his hand waived in mid-air. He staggered before the axe fell from his hand. Dane wasted no time in grabbing the axe and landing his attacker several blows. Soon, the axe man dropped to the floor with a loud thud, and he laid motionless in his own pool of blood. Dane dropped the axe and ran to Trudy’s side.
"Omg Trudy, I am so sorry! Did he hurt you?"
He inspected her from head to toe and noticed the missing buttons on her top. “I’m fine.” She said softly as he pulled her into a hug. “Grab something from Lisa’s stash, I will get her ready so we can go.” Dane said as he gestured to a few piles of clothes on the bed. She nodded and quickly went to change. Lisa's eyes finally fluttered open, and she stared in shock at the horrific scene. Dane quickly filled her in on what happened as he helped her to her feet. “Put these on.” Trudy entered the room wearing a black leather pants and black matching jacket. Lisa quickly changed and joined her friends. “OK let's get out of here—” Before Dane could finish, a loud knock interrupted. The trio stared at each other in suspense. Another loud knock followed by an unfamiliar voice “Open up! It's the police!” Trudy felt so relieved. She hurried towards the door. “No, Trudy, wait—” Dane was too late. She had already swung the door open to reveal an average size female with red curly hair holding a gun to her face. She quickly ushered Trudy in and closed the door behind her. “Theresa!” Trudy exclaimed. “What the hell are you doing here?” Lisa asked as everyone stared in confusion. “Shut the fuck up. I don't have time to waste! All three of you, take his body up and come with me.” She demanded but no one moved. Dane stepped forward. “No one is going anywhere with you,” His expression was dark with anger. “And take that fucking gun from her face.” He demanded.
“I guess I didn’t make myself clear. If you don't do what I say before the police get here, I will kill every one of you in this room, starting with her.” Theresa gestured to Trudy that she was still held at gunpoint. Theresa had an evil glare in her eyes as she watched everyone in the room, but again, nobody moved. “Looks like you all think I am bluffing.” “I won’t ask you again!” Dane said as he slowly advanced closer, but his movements halted when he heard Trudy scream in horror. “Trudy!” Lisa gasped as she covered her mouth in astonishment. Theresa shot her on her upper outer shoulder. Then she turned the gun in Dane’s direction. “Make one more step and the next one will go in her abdomen, that way you will watch as she slowly dies an agonizing death!”
His body went tense with anger as he breathed deeply. Reluctantly he stepped a few feet back. Trudy whimpered in pain as she examined the bleeding wound. Luckily the bullet just grazed her. “Are you okay?” Dane asked with empathetic eyes. “Yeah, it’s just a graze.” She managed to say through the pain. Theresa threw a handkerchief in Lisa’s direction.
“Go help your friend, I don’t need another blood trail behind us.” Lisa quickly secured the cloth around her wound and then she ordered Lisa to bound Trudy’s arms behind her back with a zip tie. Hesitantly Lisa did her biddings as she kept the gun pointed at them. Soon Theresa revealed a big iron trolley in the hallway. She instructed them to lift Daymon’s body onto it. Theresa kept Trudy close to her with the gun against her back, to dissuade Dane and Lisa from attempting any means of disarming her.
After securing the axe man to the trolley, they headed for the elevator and to the underground parking lot towards a waiting car. After throwing Daymon’s body in the trunk, she signaled Dane to take the wheel and Lisa to the passenger seat. Then Theresa sat at the back seat, still holding the gun to Trudy but this time it was at her head.

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